Pilot {01} Pt.1

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Pilot - Part One

"Pretty brown eyes and a mind full of thoughts

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"Pretty brown eyes and a mind full of thoughts.".

~ Unknown


Monday, September 7, 2009

      Having brushed my teeth, gotten dressed and ready, and woken up Jeremy, I head downstairs to the kitchen where I see Jenna rummaging through her purse hurriedly.

"Toast!" She announces suddenly. "I can make toast!"

I smile softly at the strawberry-blonde as I head towards the counter.

"You don't have to worry about us, Jenna. We'll be okay." I assure the young woman. "But, you need to get going. You're already running late for your presentation today." I tell her as I make Jeremy's coffee, and my hot chocolate with marshmallows, whipped cream, and dusts of cinnamon.

"Crap!" She breathes out, scrambling to gather her things before pausing. "Oh! Lunch money!" She says, laying some bills on the table before rushing out the door.

Amused, I shake my head with a small smile as Jeremy comes in to the room and takes his mug of coffee.

"Morning, Jer." I greet warmly, to which he gives a brief smile back that only causes me to frown in concern.

At the beginning of summer break, I had went looking for Jeremy when he had gone off by himself. When I found him, I also found Vicki Donovan trying to coax him in to taking some of the drugs she had on her. That lead to me punching the older girl in the face before I dragged my little brother back to Caroline's -- as we were staying there for a little bit while Jenna got situated with everything -- and just sat in the guest room we were staying in, binge watching movies as we shared a blanket together.

Just being there for each other without actually saying anything as we watched movies and TV shows together was how the rest of our summer had been.

"Listen," I tell him seriously, but gently, catching his attention, "today's going to be hard. Everyone else is already over what happened, but don't let that get to you. They didn't know them the way we did, and they didn't hold the bond with them that we did. So, take as long as you need to to grieve -- and, I mean grieve, Jeremy. Running away from it isn't going to make it suddenly go away. Just remember, you're not alone in this. You have me, Jenna, and John. Hell, you could even talk to Bonnie, or Caroline, and I guarantee they'd be more than willing to help. All you have to do is reach out and we'll be there in a heartbeat, okay?"

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