Family Ties {04}

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Family Ties


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"You're like snow. Beautiful, but cold."

~ Unknown


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

      Not much has happened until now. Caroline never showed up wearing scarves or riding around with Damon, and I didn't host a dinner party. Although, Bonnie still had her bad vibes from Stefan, I did tell Stefan he was welcome to join us whenever the girls and I caught up at The Grill to try and win Bonnie's favor, if he was interested. It didn't take him very long to get back on her good side.

In history, I was the one to answer Tanner's questions, seeing as I didn't want nor need Stefan to speak up on my behalf. . . Seeing as Tyler still threw the football at the back of Stefan's head when I was helping him come up with ideas to become friends with Bonnie, the bunny-snatcher did end up joining the football team. I was never on the cheerleading squad, and I wasn't about to join either.

Though, not needed, Stefan still gave me Rebekah's/Esther's necklace with vervain in it. I still accepted it, that way Damon wouldn't become suspicious of why he couldn't compell me if I wasn't wearing it; also mentioned to Stefan that Jeremy, Jenna, the girls, and myself drank vervain tea at least once a day when the topic regarding the scent coming from the necklace came up -- half of a lie, since I'm the one that chokes it down every day, Caroline and Bonnie drink it sometimes, and I sneak it in to the coffee for Jenna and Jeremy; otherwise, it's our vervain laced tattoos that protect us. . . Tyler and Jeremy never fought, seeing as there's no rivalry between them. Damon did try to compell me to kiss him, to which I punched him in the face hard enough to break his nose, and proceeded to call him a pedophile and a disgusting pig.

And, Tanner died. Good ridance. . . Bonnie still had her prediction about that. Understandably, she was pretty upset about it. I could relate -- probably on a much deeper level than she had, considering I had predicted four deaths in my family before I died -- about that, but I couldn't let on that I did; so, I did what I could to comfort her before I told her to talk to her Grams about it.

All of that happening on Friday, September 11th; and, Saturday, September 12th.

Now, here we are, the day before the Founder's Party, after school. . .

"To repeat: the animal terrorizing Mystic Falls has been caught." I hear Logan's voice play from the TV.

"Scum-ball. Scum-bucket." I then hear Jenna insult as I come up behind where she sits on the couch with her back to the kitchen/dining-room.

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