Lost Girls {08} Pt.2

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Lost Girls - Part Two

"Some children are simply born with tragedy in their blood

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"Some children are simply born with tragedy in their blood."

~ Unknown


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

      Arriving home with Caroline, Stefan, and Bonnie still with us, we see a seemingly very inebriated Vicki Donovan sitting on our front porch. She's wearing dark sunglasses over her sensitive eyes as she holds her aching head between her hands as she leans up against the door, clearly having failed at just barging right in.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I grit, pretending to be annoyed, as I narrow my eyes at the transitioning vampire when I'm actually concerned for her well-being in this situation.

I'm the first out of the car as I come up to the stupid girl.

"The sun is killing me. My eyes are on fire." Vicki says in annoyance.

"We're helping you, but you stay the hell away from my little brother or I'm reporting you to the Sheriff for sexual harassment, general harassment, stalking, trespassing, attempted breaking and entering, and attempted sexual relations with a minor." I warn plainly, carefully helping her to her feet.

Keeping the clearly out-of-it girl supported, I unlock the front door and bring her inside as the others quickly follow, leaving Stefan outside.

"Jeremy, can you call Matt to tell him to get his older sister?" I ask, to which he's quick to nod. "And, I don't want you anywhere near her while she's here, okay? Because if she tries anything, I'm kicking her ass."

"Love ya, too, 'Lena." Jeremy smirks with the amused shake of his head as he goes to make the call.

Gently setting the girl down on the couch, I'm able to detach myself from her as I stand in front of her and cross my arms.

"Alright, let's do this." I sigh, this time unable to cover up the concerned expression etched in to my features. "What drugs did you take? Did you mix them with anything? And, what symptoms are you feeling right now? You know, in case we need to get you to a hospital to get your stomach pumped."

"I'm hungry." She breathes out, as if having suddenly realized how starving she is. "What do you got to eat?"

"Nothing you're having right now." I deadpan. "I don't want you vomiting everywhere. You can eat when Matt gets here to take you to the hospital."

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