Brave New World {25}

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Brave New World

"You stay quiet, while a war happens within you

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"You stay quiet, while a war happens within you."

~ Unknown


Saturday, February 27, 2010

      After a night of using straight hot water -- no cold in use until the heat of the water was used up -- to boil away what Damon had caused last night, and making sure every window and evey door leading to my room -- minus the bathroom -- was locked up tight and coated in vervain, it took a long time to tune out my own thoughts to be able to fall asleep for roughly three-and-a-half hours before having to get up again.

And, as much as I want to stay curled up in bed, not speaking to or seeing anyone, just curling in on myself in every way possible until one day I feel relatively better. . . I can't do that to myself; and I can't do that to Jeremy, Jenna, Caroline, or Bonnie. I promised myself a long time ago that things would be different here -- better.

I can't fall back on old habits from my old life. So, like I suggested to Jeremy a few nights ago, I'm being productive and keeping myself busy.

Today, we had to be up early to get to the school to set up the school fair taking place -- another thing my schools never had, other than those Schoolastic things in the library every now and again. Bonnie isn't exactly helping me distract myself, though. . .

"Katherine looked just like you; it was freakish." The witch says to me as I'm working.

"She is my ancestor." I sigh. "Hey, I moved the Student Booth in to the cafeteria." I tell her, trying to focus on my tasks.

"Your vampire ancestor." She points out. "And, she didn't just resemble you like a family member would. She was you."

"Vampires started out human before they turned, right? So, maybe she had a baby before she turned; then that baby had a baby, and so on until it came down to me." I explain exasperatedly. "But, I don't know why we look exactly the same. It's weird, and that's all I got." I lie.

"How do you know she's not still out there pretending to be you?"

"I don't; but I do know that these prizes need to get to the Ring Toss." I shrug uncaringly, showing her a bag full of plushies before I place them on the counter of a carnival stand in front of me, and turning to continue working and writing down what all needs to be done.

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