The Turning Point {12}

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The Turning Point

"I wore a mask for so long, I don't know who I am anymore."

~ Unknown


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

      It took a while to get Jenna calmed down after seeing her dead/not-dead ex at our front doorstep, but I assured her that it would all be taken care of.

Now, it's morning before school and I've just gotten done getting ready when I peek in to Jeremy's room to check on him. I smile when I see he has his sketchpad out, working on recreating one of the drawings from John's journal.

Heading downstairs to the kitchen for my regular morning hot chocolate with marshmallows, whipped cream, and cinnamon on top, I spot Jenna leaning over the counter as she drinks her coffee and reads the paper.

"Jeremy has his sketchpad out!" I inform her eagerly, causing her to look up.

"You're kidding." She grins as she watches me make my drink.

"Nope!" I say brightly, taking a sip of my goodness and licking away the whipped cream mustache it leaves.

Once we're done with our drinks and our dishes are in the sink, we begin to leave.

"So, you're sure that the whole Logan Situation is gonna be taken care of?" The strawberry-blonde asks nervously.

"Yes." I nod reassuringly. "Stefan and Damon can handle it. Just be careful going out at night, and stay in well populated areas until he's no longer a threat."

"Right." She breathes.

"Everything is going to be fine, Jenna." I assure once again.


      Stefan just barely makes it to class, and the both of us exchange a look as he makes his way towards his seat, telling the other we have something urgent to tell the other later.

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