Under Control {18}

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Constantino Carrara -- "Heathens" - Twenty One Pilots (Piano Cover)


Under Control

"She wore a smile like a loaded gun

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"She wore a smile like a loaded gun."

~ Unknown


Friday, January 29, 2010

      It's been a while, and it's begun to get a bit boring. Nothing much has happened. Alaric tried to kill Damon and ended up dead for a bit instead, and Pearl and Anna visited Damon and gauged out his eyes, but that's as interesting as it's gotten.

I've kept Jenna and the others up-to-date about the whole Isobel thing, meaning they know she's a vampire and Damon turned her. I suspect Jeremy and Anna are still hanging out and he's pieced together that she's a vampire, going by the cut I had seen on his hand; however, I'm not sure if it's still on track with him wanting to be turned or not, and if he's all depressed or not. I can't tell, and I'm not sure how to bring it up, so I've been inviting him to watch movies and TV shows more and checking in on him a bit more, just in case.

With the bad tomb vampires all dead, thanks to yours truly, Stefan never got kidnapped and tortured; meaning a bunch of bullshit was skipped and Stefan hasn't had a drop of human blood since whenever it was that he last dropped off the wagon. Caroline's gone off to visit her dad for her step-sister's birthday. And, that's about all there's been.

Now, here we are. . .

"Come on, Jeremy, going to school! Walking out the door now!" I call upstairs, making my way towards the front door.

"Forgot this." Jenna says behind me, making me turn around and see her holding out the thermos of my hot chocolate I had made.

"Oh, thank you." I smile brightly, taking it.

Turning back to the front door, I swing it open and find John standing there, causing my eyes to widen in surprise.

"Elena!" He greets with a smile.

"John." I acknowledge, glancing at the door as I contemplate slamming it in his face.

However, thinking about it, I decide against it. He may be a really annoying dick, but he cares. He even took the precaution of sending Isobel to his brother to make sure his daughter would have a good home and he could still be in her life.

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