Rose {31}

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"If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; if I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain

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"If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; if I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain."

~ Emily Dickinson


Monday, March 22, 2010

      Waking up as the car comes to a stop, I stay layed down for a minute until Mystery Kidnapper opens the back door, causing the sunlight to flood in. Squinting at the light, I groggily gather my things, step out of the car, and get in to the back of the tinted SUV; immediately getting situated and going back to sleep.


      The next time I wake, I see we're parked in a shaded area outside the abandoned mansion. Gathering my things just as Trevor opens the door, I hop out and he immediately grabs my arm, to which I look at it in distaste.

"Yeah, 'cause I could totally outrun a vampire; and I could totally get away while we're in the middle of nowhere, in unfamiliar area, and there's probably not anyone for miles -- and, even if there were, you could easily compell them to let you in, hand me over, or an assortment of other things that'll just land me back here." I drawl with the roll of my eyes, snatching my arm back before continuing in to the home. "At least you're somewhat smarter than my previous kidnappers in regards to taking me out of town and somewhere secluded." I shrug as he leads me to one of the only rooms with a functioning couch.

Slapping away as much dust as I can, I cough as I put my blanket over it, then put my pillow down against the arm.

'I'm definitely gonna have to wash those when I get home.' I grimace as I set my snacks and water by the other arm after I take out one of the granola bars from the box and sit down.

Sliding in to sit beside me as I eye him suspiciously, he begins to lean close while I unwrap my granola bar.

"Just one taste." He whispers as his face changes and his fangs extend.

"Okay." I shrug casually, shoving the granola bar in to his open mouth, causing him to recoil as he gags from it hitting the back of his throat. "How does it taste?"

At the exact same time this happens, Rose's voice sounds from behind me.

"Trevor!" She snaps quickly. "Control yourself."

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