A Few Good Men {17}

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A Few Good Men

"She hides all her problems behind a smile

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"She hides all her problems behind a smile. Behind her smile is a world of pain and hurt. You think you know her, but you really have no idea."

~ Unknown


Thursday, January 7, 2010

      It's after school and I've just finished my homework, deciding to flop down on my bed after sending a text to Bonnie. Her Grams ended up dying on Monday, December 28th due to natural causes. So, this time, she died because she was old, not because she extended a bunch of her energy for the spell on the tomb, which means Bonnie's not pissed at any of us. She has been staying at her aunt's, though. Damon took care of everything for the funeral as a sort of thanks for the two witches helping him with the tomb.

"Hey." Jenna greets as she steps through my doorway, making me look over at her. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing." I shrug before sitting up. "Hey, have you done any digging on the adoption? You mentioned it, I just. . ." I trail off, not really knowing what to say.

I don't actually care, but plot. . .

"Come on downstairs." She smiles, making me frown curiously as I stand to my feet.


      As we sit down at the dining table, Jenna pulls out her laptop and opens it up.

"Your dad kept everything from his medical practice -- records, logs, old appointment books." She lists as she pulls out a journal, flipping to a certain page before showing it to me. "I found an entry from the night that you were born. Patient and a birth date. Isobel Peterson."

"Pregnant teenage runaway, I doubt that was her real name." I shake my head.

"Probably not." The strawberry-blonde agrees. "First name, maybe. But, where'd she get Peterson? Classmate? Bestfriend?" She questions rhetorically. "So, I Bing-ed it." She continues as she makes the search. "I searched for all the Petersons in this area born the same year as Isobel, found three -- two men and a woman, Trudie, who lived in Grove Hill, Virginia."

"That's not far from here." I comment.

"Well, watch this." Jenna smiles, searching something else before she pulls up an image.

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