The Return {24} Pt.2

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The Return - Part Two

"She was brave and strong and broken all at once

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"She was brave and strong and broken all at once."

~ Anna Funder


Friday, February 26, 2010

      I got up a little early to get ready for the wake and to go with Stefan to the hospital while Jeremy and Jenna got ready. Now, the younger Salvatore and I are walking through the halls of the hospital towards John's room.

"Ready for this?" Stefan asks me carefully as we stand in front of the room, only to get a bland look in return before I shove the door open.

"Oh, John!" I call with a slightly raised voice with a sing-song tone. "Wake-y, wake-y!"

John sits bolt-upright, panicking when he sees me and tries to go for the panic-button to call for a nurse, but Stefan uses his vamp-speed to grab it from him.

"Even if I was Katherine, what the hell do you expect some nurse to do? She could easily just kill them or compell them before getting on with whatever she came here to do." I roll my eyes, tired of everyone being fucking stupid lately.

"We know she did this to you." Stefan adds.

"We'd like to know why."

"Where is she?" John questions hoarsely.

"You tell us." The Salvatore boy says lowly.

"I don't know." He grunts, trying to sit up, but Stefan pushes him back down roughly.

"You're a little too weak to play tough-guy. Why don't you just sit back and answer a few questions?" He smiles sarcastically.

I hold up the Gilbert ring, which the cops had given me after everything was processed, catching the Gilbert man's attention.

"Why don't you tell us why she's here." I hum, placing the guady ring in his hand. "What does she want?"

He doesn't answer as he slides the ring on, making me sigh impatiently.

"She'll try again; we can't help you if you don't confide in us." The bunny-muncher points out.

"In you?" John says incredulously, almost laughing at the ridiculousness of that statement.

"In your daughter, then."

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