Unpleasantville {14}

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"Some things go too deep to be forgotten

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"Some things go too deep to be forgotten."

~ John Galsworthy


Sunday, December 6, 2009

      Damon and I had returned in the afternoon of Friday the fourth, where he dropped me off at home.

Now, it's late, Jenna's out, she left a little bit ago, but Jeremy's still home. As I'm showering, careful when washing over the deep purple bruises along my upper-body, he knocks on the door to tell me he had ordered pizza for us.


      Just as soon as I finish throwing my hair up into a bun, I hear the doorbell ring.

"Elena, I need the money!" I hear Jeremy call out from downstairs.

Shaking my head with a soft smile, I take a twenty, a ten, and two one-dollar bills from my wallet before heading downstairs. Seeing the 'pizza guy' standing inside with the pizza laying on the stand beside the door, I send him a short smile as I hand him the cash.

"Hey. Um, keep the change." I tell him.

"Thanks. And, you have yourself a good night." He says as he begins to leave.

"You, too." I nod before closing the door and grabbing the pizza to bring in to the kitchen.


Monday, December 7, 2009

      I went to school today and was able to get the work and the notes that I missed Thursday and Friday. Directly afterwards I threw myself in to getting the days I missed and today's work done in order to have it ready to turn-in tomorrow.

It's nightfall now, and I agreed to meet with Bonnie at The Grill. Caroline couldn't be here because she's working on the plans for the Decade Dance coming up.

"I gotta get going. It's late, and I think I've worried Jenna enough." I speak up as I take a ten and a five from my wallet to lay on the table, covering my drink and the tip before standing to my feet. "I'll see you later." I smile to Bonnie brightly with a small wave, which she returns before I turn and leave.

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