Miss Mystic Falls {19}

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Miss Mystic Falls

"Sometimes the fear won't go away, so you'll have to do it afraid

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"Sometimes the fear won't go away, so you'll have to do it afraid."

~ Unknown


Monday, February 1, 2010

      Seeing Stefan parking his car, I walk over to him with a smirk and the raise of my brows as he steps out.

"Nice car." I comment as I look over the old red porche he's managed to keep looking brand new.

'I don't know much about cars besides spotting a few brands, like Dodge, Ford, Toyota, Chevy, Nissan, Audi, Volkswagen, Jaguar, BMW, Honda, and Tesla. But, to identify the type of car in detail is beyond me; all I know is motorcycle, jeep, minivan, truck, sports car, muscle car, average-looking car, vintage/classic, limo, convertible, and that other van that the BAU in Criminal Minds usually drive around. Only reason I know the kind of car Stefan, Damon, and Dean Winchester drive is because of the shows and reading the scripts.'

"Thought it was a waste to leave it in the garage." He shrugs with a light smile.

Observing his behavior, he seems to still be his usual self, -- not all cocky and layed-back with a hint of defensive attitude -- telling me he's sober, in a sense.

'Good, because I'd be deeply humiliated to be stood-up in front of a crowd; and I really don't want to dance with Damon.'

"Alright, well, we better get going before we're late." I say, gesturing back to the school building.

"I'll catch up with you, I'm gonna grab my stuff. I'll be right behind you." He tells me, to which I nod and give him a short wave as I begin to walk away.


      "Okay, this week we're gonna set aside our regular curriculum for a lesson in local history as we approach Founder's Day. Apparently, the community leaders feel it's more important than World War Two, but, hey, what do I know?" Alaric jokes as he begins the class.

Bonnie takes that moment to enter the classroom.

"Sorry I'm late." She says sheepishly to our teacher as she makes her way towards her seat.

"Well, it looks like we will be at full occupancy today. Welcome home, Bonnie." He nods to the girl.

As Alaric continues on with the lesson, I watch Bonnie take her seat as she sends me a small smile, which I return. I watch as she glances at Stefan, who offers her a compassionate and sincere smile, and a grateful one tugs at the corners of her lips at the gesture.

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