You're Undead to Me {06} Pt.2

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You're Undead to Me - Part Two

CHAPTER SIXYou're Undead to Me - Part Two

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"And, she used to be the sweetest girl. . ."

~ Unknown


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

      "No friend discounts. No freebies. No pay-ya-laters. We are not running a charity here. No, we are not." Caroline is telling me as we sit at the pay booth.

"No, we are not." I agree, nodding, amused.

"Hi." Stefan greets as he comes up to us.

"Hey, Stefan." I return with a kind smile.

"The event is called Sexy Suds, you know?" Caroline scolds the vampire before she leaves to instruct the other volunteers.

"Did I just get scolded?" He asks, amused.

"And, judged, yeah." I nod, chuckling.

"Wow." He shakes his head with a soft smile. "Alright." The bunny-snatcher says, removing his shirt to lay on the table, and I have to force myself not to gawk at his physique as I look back to the things on the table in front of me instead.

'He's not your type, Elena. Don't let those stupid Travelers fool you.' I tell myself sternly.


      Caroline had eventually come back and sent Stefan and I to wash some cars. To pass the time, we've been making idle chit-chat like we had at the Founder's Party.

"Okay, I'm gonna get some more towels." I say, excusing myself when the conversation begins to taper off.

"Okay." The broody-vampire nods, still washing the car.

"Hey, we're out of towels and those shimmy things." I tell Caroline as I sit beside her at the makeshift till stand.

"I'll go get some more. Mind the money." The blonde says, leaving me to head in to the school.

After a few minutes, the old man from The Grill yesterday comes up to the stand.

"That'll be twenty-dollars." I smile at the man, reaching forward to take the cash when I see him beginning to take the cash from his wallet. "I saw you last night. You were talking to a friend of mine. At The Grill?" I remind the man conversationally.

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