Bloodlines {13}

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"She's forever gonna say, 'I got this,' even with tears in her eyes

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"She's forever gonna say, 'I got this,' even with tears in her eyes."

~ Unknown


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

      I continue to watch as the hooded figure gets to his feet before he slowly begins to stalk closer towards me. Feeling my nose become congested, and my head beginning to pound from being upside-down, I take the pocket-knife from my pocket and begin to saw at the strap of my seatbelt while glancing back to see his progress as the distance keeps getting shorter and shorter.

'Goddammit! They make this shit look easy in the movies.' I think in frustration, halfway through the strap now.

The pounding in my head is making my vision blur now as my breathing becomes strained. Seeing the smeared outline of him kneeling beside the car, I give one last jerk of the knife and I'm just able to catch myself as I go falling out of my seat and in to the glass covered roof with a scream of surprise.

With wide eyes, I quickly look out the window, but he's gone. And, just as I begin to relax, he's replaced in a flash, causing me to flinch away with a yelp.

"How ya doing in there?" The familiar voice asks as he assesses the situation.

"Damon." I sigh, pocketing my knife before crawling out of the window, where he helps me to my feet.

"I got you." He soothes as I stumble. "Are you okay? Can you stand? Is anything broken?" He asks gently.

"I'm fine. Just. . . dizzy." I mumble as vertigo hits me hard, sending my whole world tilting as Damon catches me.

My head and the bridge of my nose feels as if they're pulsing, I'm beyond lightheaded, nauseous, and everything hurts so bad. . .

"Whoa, you're fading fast, Elena." He says, holding me closer as my eyes flutter closed. "Elena, look at me." He says worriedly as he gently cups my face and guides me to look up at him. "Focus. Look at me. Okay."

"I'm tired." I whisper, so quiet that he may not have even heard me.

I'm only able to blearily make out his pale-blue eyes as I say this before I succumb to unconsciousness in his arms.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

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