162 Candles {10}

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162 Candles

"I never had a chance to be soft

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"I never had a chance to be soft. I was always bloody knuckles and shards of glass. I wanted people to be afraid of hurting me."

~ Unknown


Sunday, November 1, 2009

      We -- Stefan, Jeremy, Matt and I -- had to talk to Sheriff Forbes this morning regarding Vicki 'skipping town'. Formalities and all. Matt, instead of inacting another search party, seems to have accepted that his sister has 'left' and is deciding to let it go.

Now, we're all leaving the station and I see Stefan waiting at the bottom of the steps.

"I'll meet you guys at the car." I nod to Jenna and Jeremy with a small smile.

"Okay." Jenna says, leaving with Jeremy.

"You okay?" Stefan asks me, making me bite my lip contemplatively, ignoring the swell of spell-bound feelings from his concern.

"Well, I did kill someone last night." I say lowly, sighing, my stomach churning at the thought. "I'll get there." I answer eventually.

"Why don't we go somewhere and talk about it?" He suggests gently.

"That's alright, Stefan." I shake my head, giving him a strained smile in thanks. "I gotta get going. I'm helping Jeremy with his homework and studying for a quiz he has tomorrow. He's not doing too well in history. I'll see you later, okay?"

With that, I leave.


      It's a little later in the day when Caroline texts me, telling me she's throwing a party at The Grill because Damon threatened her, wanting Bonnie's neckless, and saying he was going to fix the town's vampire problem.

Rolling my eyes, I grab my keys and text Jenna, telling her I'll be stopping by the Salvatore's. I text Stefan to let him know I'm stopping by, but don't get a response.


      Arriving to the Salvatore Boarding House, I go up to the door and knock.

"It's open! Come on in!" I hear a woman's voice call out.

Taking the invitation, I open the door and step inside, closing the door behind me as I look for the source of the voice. Hearing footsteps, I turn towards them to see a beautiful blonde in only a brown towel.

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