Enid Sinclair.

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Wednesday POV:

It had only been the first week back to Nevermore, both me and Enid were settling in to our dorm still, Enid is dancing to music in the middle of their dorm as Wednesday is reading on her own bed. Enid's side was a total mess and still had boxes everywhere, where as mine, my side was clean and well organized.

"Enid, do you mind turning that down?"

I asked "Oh I'm so sorry!" Enid went to her phone and quickly turned her music down

"Is that good, Wens?"

'Wens? She doesn't call me anything other then my name' I thought to myself, blushing slightly at the new nickname, I feels my face warm up, not knowing it was my feelings toward Enid, I put my hand on my forehead checking if I was sick

"Enid, can you come here?" Enid stopped dancing and ran over to me seeing I'm red like a tomato.

"Are you okay?" The wolf asked

"Can you check my temperature?" I sighed as Enid smiled letting her touch me, even if it was only to check if I was sick.

"You seem fine, Why?" She took her hand off my forehead

"My face felt heated, it was probably nothing then." I went back to look to her book, Enid went to her side. My face was still heated but died down after a while of reading. I started to notice that it was getting dark outside. I put my book on the table next to me and lay down in my bed for a while until I finally went to sleep.

Enid POV:

I struggled trying to go to bed, rolling around and shivering from being cold, I look to Wednesday side of the room 'How can she sleep so peaceful?' She noticed herself staring for to long and snapped out of it, she went over to Wednesday and started shaking her to wake her up.

"Wens, wake up I can't sleep!" I continue shaking her until she woke up.

"Enid? What do you need" She sat up from her bed rubbing her eyes softly. she looks pretty when just waking up, but then again when is she not gorgeous?

"Can I sleep in your bed, I'm cold and struggling to sleep" I kept my hands on her bed until I got an answer.

"Uhm.. sure I guess.." She scooted over to the other side of the bed, I happily got into bed with her.

Wednesday POV:

I felt the same hotness come back to my face.

"Is it okay if we cuddle?" She asked me in a somewhat tired voice, it would normally disgust me but I found this adorable

"Sure" I said not thinking of what I just said, it's not like I didn't want to cuddle with her, I did I was just nervous. I put my arms around her as she curled up into a ball. I feel asleep with her in my arms.

495 words

(Hope you liked this! this is my first story, and the fonts weren't working as the bold would turn on at random times)

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