Chapter 23: A long flight and a Vacation.

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(Y'all I'm feeling lovey dovey today so this we'll be a nice chapter I think and make all of y'all feel single as much as I do)

Enid POV:

We were still stuck on the plane, i wasn't complaining. I actually enjoyed it, the way the sky lit up at night along with the city under us, we were literally on top of the world. I'm so happy to be here in such a magical moment, with the person I love the most.

Wednesday and I were sitting on the bed eating food, food that Wednesday made. the food on the place was amazing! Better then normal plane food.

"How do you like the food?" Wednesday asks I was practically gobbling up the food like I haven't ate in years!

"Can't talk, eating." I manage to say, with spitting food almost everywhere. I swear I saw her smile.
We finished up our food placing them on the table next to us. It had been 10 hours so 3 more to go.

"Enid?" I hear the dark girl ask.

"Yes, Love?" I respond.

"Are you aware that while we are there, there will be a full moon?" I nodded my head, of course I was aware. Speaking of this kind of stuff, I forgot I was going to start my heat like in 2 days. Maybe this vacation won't be as peaceful as Wednesday intended it to be.

Time skip

3 hours later

We had finally landed. There was a large cozy cabin surrounded by a blanket of snow.
I ran towards the cabin excited leaving Wednesday behind.

Wednesday POV

Watching Enid be excited about the littlest things in life makes it all worth it, everything bad that happened was worth it just to see that stupid bright smile on her face.

We unlocked the door and we entered a cabin that was not so different from the Addams Manor. Enid was exploring every room. I went to go find my own room, the one that I have been using since I was a infant.

It contained a queen size bed, knives, and many other deadly items. Enid soon followed in.

"It's just like your bedroom at the manor!" She exclaimed. She skipped and flopped on top of my bed.

"Oh! We can pretend that we bought our first house after hours and hours of work!" She continued admiring the cabin. Oh how I adore her innocence.

"Enid, what would you like for dinner?"

"Ooo can you make a crape?"

"Enid that is a breakfast food." I said leaning on the door frame with my arms crossed.

"I don't see the problem with that."

"If you insist." I stepped into the kitchen getting the ingredients ready for Enid. I realized I didn't ask Enid what she wanted inside of it. I'll just take a shot in the dark and hope for the best. After one attempt I made the crept it had bananas strawberry's Nutella, and Enid's name spelled out with a heart next to it. I would never do anything like this for anybody. But for Enid I will make an exception.

I could hear a record being played from inside of my room. I can recognize that song from anywhere. It was Pink Floyd. I walked in and Enid was dancing, dancing like how she would with her own music.

I walked up to her grabbing her from the waist and pulled her towards me. I intertwined our hands together I danced with her just like how we did during the Rave'n.

"Your ravishing Cara Mia." I said leaving kisses on her arm up and down towards her collarbone down to her hand while we dance across the wooden floor beneath us.

This was a magical moment for myself. And the way Enid melted into me i think it was safe to say she thought the same. I pressed our lips together. Kissing her passionately until we ran out of breath.


"Yes love?"

"I want to have pups with you."

"Pups?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes, I want your pups." She said resting her head on my shoulder.

"But won't we need eggs?"

"Yes, but we can get a donor or something like that. But I wanted the pups to look like you.."

"If that's what you want Mi amor." She placed a kiss on my lips softly. We danced for the rest of the night away until our feet got tired.

744 words

Here's a short chapter since I haven't posted for so long😭 I have just been working on my new Wenclair book and my Emma Myers fanfic😭

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