Chapter 10: Pride Panic

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(This one is for all my gay readers!!)

Wednesday POV:

Me and Enid were on my bed I was reading a book and she was laying on my lap on TikTok or whatever. She started getting noises and excited.

"What has you so excited at 8pm?" I said creasing her cheek.

"There's going to be a pride parade today at the city!" She said sitting up and. Turned her head to look right at me


"I want to go, and I want you to go with me!"

"I don't want to go." I said looking at my legs.

"Please wens? I will do your make up and everything!"

Did she forget I hate being with people? Especially in groups or in a crowd even when they are loud.

She looked at me with her puppy eyes.

"Fine I'll go with you." Enid lifted up her hands and shook them excitedly

"I'm going to pick up some food, can I get you anything?" I asked her laying back down on my lap.

"Can you get me some red meat? I been craving that all night"

"Yeah sure."

I went downstairs to the cafeteria, grabbing our food, I grabbed a taco with red meat for Enid, and for me pancakes and a banana. I went back to our dorm and placed the food on my bed. After we finished eating we started getting ready for the pride parade, if I'm being honest I'm also pretty excited about it too.

No one's POV:

Enid was getting Wednesday ready for her first Pride parade, she was putting on a bisexual flag on her face with face paint.

"You look so cute!" Enid blurted out

"Why do we have to go?"

"To celebrate pride I guess" she said putting the pink paint on her face

"What do you do at pride parades?"

"Your adorable when you don't know something" Enid said kissing Wednesday cheek

"Uhm you kinda just hang out and meet people I don't really know how to explain it"

Wednesday just sits there letting Enid do her makeup or whatever, Wednesday started pouting asking Enid if she's finish. Enid already had the lesbian pride flag on her face.

Enid had an Idea l, she decided to put bisexual colored lipstick on her own lips and then kissed Wednesday cheek leaving her lipstick on her cheek the whole parade.

Enid processed to do her idea

"It didn't turn out like How I thought it would."
Enid said turning Wednesday head in different angles.

"How does it look?" Wednesday asked

"It looks fine" she shrugged her shoulders

"Can we go now?"


Both of the gay girls got up from Wednesday's bed, and went out the door, they asked Xavier if they could use his car, they made it to the parade and found a nice spot.

"Look Wens they are selling flags over there!" Enid said all excitedly, she grabbed Wednesday wrist and took her to where the flags were sold.
Enid looked happy trying to find a good Lesbian flag and Bisexual flag.

"Do you want one Wens?" Enid asked the goth

"Fine I'll get a flag" she said in a monotone voice

"You need me to pay?" Wednesday continued

"Yes please I don't have any money on me!" She scrunched up her face in a guilty look.

Wednesday took out her wallet and placed money on the counter.

Enid tied the flag around her shoulders, after she was done she put Wednesday flag around her shoulders and tied it as well. She kissed Wednesday cheek before taking her back into the crowed.

Enid POV:

I took out my phone and started taking multiple pictures of the parade and me and Wednesday, people in the back were also posing for the pictures. I never felt so free and safe before in public, I took more pictures, I started scrolling through all the pictures until I noticed one Wednesday looked down and looked like she was on the verge of tears.

I looked back at Wednesday who was right behind me leaning on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I asked her

"No.." I took her hand making sure to hold it tight as I made my way through the crowd, I took her unto a quiet place behind the buildings.

"What happened?" I wiped the tears off her face with the sleeve of my sweater.

"It's too loud and crowed I got to uncomfortable."
She said with a shaken voice. I pulled her into a tight hug. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"Do you wanna go back to the dorm?" I pulled out of the hug and tried looking into her eyes.

"No, I want you to have fun."

Im so lucky to have a girlfriend like her I don't know what I would ever do without her.

"No I think it's better if we go back to the dorm" i looked for a way where there's not a lot of people, as soon as I found one I took her hand and went straight to the car. Until Wednesday stopped.

"Enid look."

I followed her eyes, it was a parade float with a golden retriever and a black cat it reminded me of me and Wednesday.

"It looks like us." I said looking at her.

"Hey look a pin store do you wanna see what they have?" Wednesday asked.

We found pride pins and two matching pins. When we got back to the dorm, I tried asking her if she was fine. We laid down on her bed and cuddled up while watching a movie. I rested my head onto her chest as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"I love you Enid."
"I love you too Wens"

959 words

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