Chapter 18: Dont go.

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More Angst

Enid POV:

I woke up to Wednesday roaming around the room. She had a distressed face. She hadn't seem to notice I haven't woke up.

"Wens?" I called out for her.

"Yes, Enid?" She said.

"Are you okay?" I started getting up.

"I'm fine, I just.." she didn't finish her sentence she sighed and ran into the bathroom. She had been in there for 4 minutes, I started to get worried I waited for her to come out for another minute the two then three eventually that turned into 9, I walked to the door and knocked on it.

"Wens are you okay?" I asked. I didn't get an answer, I tried again and again to get her attention but no reply. I started unlocked the door with my nail. (My sister use to do this a lot😭) she was lying on the floor not moving. She had a pill bottle in her hand empty halfway.

"Wednesday?!" I ran up to kneeling on my knees checking for a pulse or any sign of her breathing.
She wasn't moving or anything. I felt tears go down my eyes as I called Yoko to bring her car to the gates and to get Wednesday and me. She got to our dorm in second. perks of being a vampire, we got into the car I had Wednesday in my lap slapping her to wake up.

We ran inside the hospital asking for help while I carried Wednesday in my arms. We got a room and they told us to wait outside. I was in the cafeteria crying my eyes out while Yoko was comforting me. Why would she try to do that? Why would she try to hurt herself? Doctors said we should head back to get rest. Yoko grabbed my hand I was still crying. She dropped me off at my dorm before going to her own. I took a short shower, I grabbed the most recent clothes Wednesday wore. They still smelt like her. I slipped on the sweater and shirt and laid in her bed, except I couldn't sleep I was thinking about why she could have done this. I didn't want her to go I want to have a future with her. I want to have pups with her. Her pups only.

In the morning I went straight for the hospital not taking care of my needs, I need to know if Wednesday is okay. I walked into the hospital getting greeted to doctors running around the building. Next thing I knew doctors were headed my way. Smiling. I expected good news.

"Are you Enid Sinclair?" A female said.

"Yes, is she okay?" I said I felt tears forming.

"Come look for yourself." I followed her to the room Wednesday was in, she had many machines attracted to her she wasn't awake yet but now I know she is still breathing. My Wednesday is still breathing.

"She might not wake up." Said one of the doctors before leaving.

Her mother was sitting in a chair next to her, she smiled at me and got up pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you for taking care of her." She said
I hugged her back and cried in her arms.

"I'll give you time to be with her." I couldn't say anything she walked out the room as I walked towards Wednesday. I grabbed her hand and held it as tight as I could.

"Wednesday?" I asked seeing if I could possibly wake her up. She didn't. I cried more. It was getting late, I begged the doctors to let me stay for about 15 minutes until they finally agreed. I got into bed with Wednesday making my way through the machines keeping her alive I pulled her in close cuddling her like it's the last time. It might be the last time.

"Please don't go." I said whispering into her ear.

653 words

Will Wednesday Wake Up? Find Out Next Time!
This reminded me that one scene in Toy Story 2 when Jessie was showing Woody the Woodys round up show😭😭

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