Chapter 20: Waking Up?

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Yoko POV:

Bianca was talking to some of the doctors about Wednesday and when she would be able to wake up. Me and Bianca have been with Enid all day giving her company. Most of the time she would be crying, others sleeping with Wednesday. We both felt terrible for Enid considering this is her one true person who makes her who she is and her soulmate her one true love.

"Enid?" Bianca asked.

"Yes?" She replied

"We have good news." Bianca said

"What is it?" Enid said I gave Bianca a confused look since the doctors never said anything about good news.

"We got you tickets to your favorite K-pop band!" Bianca exclaimed. I didn't know she got tickets, I don't even think Enid would have the energy to go. But I was wrong she got up from her seat and lifted her hands up excitedly.

"Really!? When?!"

"Tonight!" Bianca exclaimed.

Time skip
4:55 pm

Enid POV:

I was getting ready for the concert. Apart of me didn't want to leave Wednesday. But I been waiting for this concert for half my life! I think I needed a break from crying over Wednesday too. Maybe this will cheer me up.

Yoko Bianca and I all got into Yoko's car we were all singing karaoke the whole time. It was super fun I wish Wednesday was here to enjoy it.

We made it to the venue. Making our way into the pit where we stand in the front row. We watch the opening perform. She wasn't that bad. She played songs that I think Wednesday would enjoy. We were there for about an hour and a half dancing and singing taking pictures Yoko actually carried Bianca on her shoulders which almost made both of them fall on top of the people behind us.

After the concert we walked out of the Venue I checked my phone seeing if I could spot myself in the k-pop instagram photos. I noticed I had.. 30!! MISSED MESSAGES?? And 12 MISSED CALLS?? They were from Wednesday.

"What's wrong Enid?" Yoko asked standing behind looking over my shoulder.

"Wednesday is awake!" I said running straight to the way the hospital was. I was running out of breath at how fast I was running. I ran blocks and blocks just to see mon Cher. Yoko and Bianca were in the car trying to convince me to get in. But I can't waste time. I have to go. I have to go to see her. I was running twice as fast as the car. The things I would do for Wednesday. Literally.
I finally stepped foot into the building. I was running out of air. That didn't stop me from running towards my gothic girlfriend.

I ran into the room she was in. She wasn't in there. What was happening? Is she alive? Where is she? I ball myself onto the floor my heart beating fast, I'm running out of more breath then before tears are dropping once again. Is this what a panic attack feels like?

After what seems like an hour, I can sense somebody coming. I get up wiping away my tears. There stood the girl dressed in black and white from head to toe. My eyes widen as I run towards her hugging her. She almost fell backwards but was leaned on the wall. I gave her little kisses all over her face.

"Wens!" I said digging my face into her neck. She kisses my forehead.

"Cara Mia.." She said in my ear pulling me away to see my face. Her beautiful eyes for striking into my soul. Oh how I live for those precious eyes. I pulled her back in crying happy tears into her shoulder. I missed her touch. I just want to hold her in my arms forever.

"Enid. Wake up." I heard her say.

"Wednesday what are you talking about?" I say with a confused look on my face.

"What did I say?" Wednesday said.

"Uhm never mind." I smiled just happy that she is awake.

"Wake up."

682 words.

(What is Happening!?!?)

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