Chapter 4: Party

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(I'm writing this off the top of my head as I'm writing this so bare with me, also soft Wednesday??)

Wednesday POV:

I had just woke up, and I already can hear Enid shrieking her head off. "Enid! Can you be quiet please?" "I'm so sorry!" I layer back down flopping my back against the mattress "Wens?"
She said too me excited, I don't know what she was excited about. "Yes?" I said staring at the ceiling "Can you go to a party that Yoko is hosting with me?" "No." I was annoyed already the minute I woke up, but Enid started begging for 30 minutes until I finally said yes.

I started getting ready for the day, I asked Enid if she needed anything from the cafeteria, I make my way down to the cafeteria and grab food for both of us, I went back upstairs to our dorm before getting stopped by Xavier.

"Hey Wednesday!" He had a smile on his face, disgusting. The only person I like seeing smile is Enid.

"What do you want Xavier?" I said trying to move to the side of him and get out of his way, He just blocked me.

"So are you going to Yoko party?" He asked, why would he even ask such a stupid question?

"I'm going with Enid."

"Oh like a date?" He said clearly joking

"Yes." I said his face seemed to be shocked and disappointed. Of course I was joking about the going as a date part, but I guess he didn't get it.

Enid POV:

Me and Wednesday were both getting ready for the party, as we debated if Thing should come with us.

"Thing is going to get lost." Wednesday said as she was fixing the hair

"No his not! He wants to go as much as I do!"

We argued like this for about 6 minutes before we realized the time, we were walking to Yoko's dorm, which was pretty large, Wednesday was already pouting when we got there. We found a spot of the couch, she sat very close to me, like she was protecting me, which I didn't mind I actually found this adorable.

"When are we leaving?"

"Soon let me just have a little fun" I said getting up from the couch, grabbing Wednesdays hand and took her to where everybody was dancing.

I started dancing, but for Wednesday of course she just stood there like a mannequin. I took her hands and put them on my waist as a joke, She got all red as she quickly pulled her hands away.

"What?" I giggled softly

"Nothing, I'm just going to get a drink" she said walking away, I took this chance to talk to some of my other friends.

Wednesday POV:

I didn't go get a drink, I actually just hid in the bathroom. I was too flustered to go back out, I waited in there for what seemed like 30 minutes going through my phone to entertain myself, which is out of character for me.

I finally came out and walked to Enid, pulling on her sweater like a child. I didn't want to leave the party without her.

"Can we leave now?"

"Uhm yeah sure" She said taking a glance at her friends before we left

As we were making our way through the crowed Enid holding my hand, Xavier got in front of us, blocking us from leaving.

"Hey Xavier!" She said

"Wednesday I need to talk to you." He said completely ignoring Enid.

"I don't want to talk to anybody" I moved a little bit closer to enid, I sensed a bit of Jealousy in his eyes.

"Wednesday please." He continued to beg

I can tell Enid was getting Mad. "She doesn't want to talk to you." She said pushing him out of the way making him slam into more people. I smiled and giggled softly seeing him getting pushed around.

We made our way out of the doorway, I was finally free from that dorm, I needed to breathe.

We made it back to our room, the halls were empty and quiet because of the party.

"Why did you want to leave?" She asked at me, as she grabbed her pajamas

"I didn't feel comfortable there." I said sitting at my desk and I started typing in my type writer.

"Oh okay, Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" I haven't gotten good sleep in the past couple days."

"You slept fine two nights ago when you slept with me." I looked over at Enid she looked embarrassed.

"I just want to sleep in your bed, Okay?" She said with an angry tone and looked away not making eye contact with me, I shrugged and said go ahead.

I started getting changed in the bathroom, When I got out Enid was already snuggled up in my bed, I turned red as she looked adorable. Disgusting.

I got into bed with her, keeping space between us. Enid got closer and laid on top of me, I was shocked as she did that, I ran my fingers through her hair as her tail appeared and started wagging as well as her ears, I feel asleep with her laying on my chest and her legs in between mine.

"I love you.."

885 words

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