Chapter 24: smut

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Bark or no more smut

Wednesday POV:

We have been at my family's vacation home for about 3 days and Enid has been in heat for most of it, yes I have been helping her, but she seems to get more tired, and more violent.

I got up from the bed and took one step on the ground before Enid spoke up. "Wednesday?"

"Yes, Enid?" I turned around facing her way.
"Can you please stay?" I sighed getting back to bed with her. She nuzzled into my chest as I kissed the top of her forehead.

All of a sudden she started grinding on me.
"Please Wednesday." She started speaking.
I looked at her confused.

"Please fuck me." She finally said. "What do you want me to do, love?" I asked. "I want to ride your fave while you fuck me." I stared at her flabbergasted at her request.

"It's okay if you don't want to-" I cut her off.
"No Enid, I'll do it." I said.

We both quickly got undressed I laid back down on the bed and Enid sat on it. I repositioned myself to be underneath her, her opening now just above my head. She's like really wet, Damn Enid must be really excited for this.

"sit." I said as I grabbed onto her thighs.
she whimpered as she repositioned herself and sat on my face. pushed her up a bit to say one last thing. "do not cum until I say so." | said before I pulled her back down.

she started to grind on my face. for the next 30 minutes, I'm sure all you could hear from our room was Enid moaning out load, I pushed her up a bit so I could talk.

"Tell me when you are close Cara Mia." | said before I pulled her back down.

I slid my tongue into her entrance as she grinded on my face. she leaned back a bit, pulling her arms behind her and using my legs as support. I watched as her head flung back and she got louder. "|'m so close Wednesday!" she screamed out. I tapped her thigh causing her head to fling forward, I looked at her and nodded the best that I could. her pace became faster, as I stuck my tongue as deep as I could into her, and with that she said

"fuck! wednesday I'm gonna cum!" I felt her walls trap my tongue as I sucked in everything that I could. She eventually began to slow down and she moved herself from my face.

"go.. god damn, we should do that More often.." she said out of breath.

"maybe so." I said trying to get off the bed.
she stopped me and pushed me backwards.

"Now it's your turn to get pleased~" enid said straddling my lap and resting her hands on my chest, as I sat up using my elbows as support.

Enid's POV:

I put my fingers into her entrance, not moving until I get the signal from Wednesday. "Hold it against my neck please." she said handing me the knife, the same knife I gave her as a gift a while back. "anything for you, love." I said before continuing with my fingers. she whimpered out as the knife gently cut her skin, causing her to bleed a bit. I went inconsistently, pacing from slow to fast just to make her more aggravated.

"Enid, make me cum." she whimpered.

"beg for it." I said teasing her. "Enid please." she moaned out. "I said beg for it." I said again.
"Please Enid, please fuck me!" She moaned out.

I picked up the pace, keeping eye contact with her, watching the knife make contact with her skin. I gently remove the knife, biting her neck. knowing that this would make her cum. her legs began to shake rapidly. "Enid, I'm gonna cum for you." she barely got out. "then do it." I said watching her eyes roll to the back of her head.
She released all over my fingers, I let her ride off her high, once she was finished I pulled out my fingers, and sucked them clean.

"Thank you Wednesday." I said as I hugged Wednesday. "No, thank you Enid." She said hugging me back.

We cuddled on her bed our legs intertwined as laid my head on her chest while she played with my hair, I drifted off the sleep as she calmed me down with she playing my hair.

"Goodnight Wens.."
"Night Cara Mia."

746 words

This is a make up chapter since I haven't posted in a while.

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