Chapter 22: Phone call home.

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(Y'all can you give me ideas for the cats name??😭😭)

Wednesday POV:

It had been a day since I woke up. I was already back to the dorm with the help of Enid. I wanted to surprise Enid with something.

"Enid?" I asked she was lying on her bed as I was at my desk.

"Yes wens?"

"How would you feel if you were out of this place for a week?" I asked my hands on my knees. She sat up from her bed.

"Uhm I would enjoy it I need a stress reliever." She replied.

"Why?" She continued.

"No reason." I wanted to surprise her with a trip to one of my family's vacation home.

"Enid one more question."


"Will you marry me?"

(Nah I'm just playing here's the actual question.)

"Would you rather be in snow or in the beach?"

"Hmm I like the winter and I love snow plus the beach is to hot for my fur."

"So winter?" I continued asking questions."

"Yeah!" She said laying back down.

I grabbed my phone and texted Yoko.


Hey Yoko.

Yes Wednesday???

Can you get Enid out of the dorm for like 30 minutes??

Yeah of course! Why are y'all two going to have sex??

No I just need to call my parents for a surprise.

Oh okay yeah I'll text her right now!

I left Yoko on read if I need anything else I would text her back. Soon after Enid got a text. She got up from her bed and walked towards me.

"Wens I'm going to go shopping with Yoko is that okay?" She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"It's okay Cara Mia." I said kissing her one the lips. I waited for her to leave the room to start getting ready for the call with my parents. How I will regret this but this is for Enid.

I called my parents.

"Ah my little storm cloud how are you doing!" My father exclaimed.

"I'm doing great." I reply.

"How is Enid?" My mother asked

"She is very well she is out shopping with her friend right now." I say.

"So why did you call us?" I sighed.

"I want to use one of our families winter homes for this week."

"Of course you can, My little scorpion!"

"We will send lurch to take you to one of our private jets." Mother said.

"Great I will need it tonight."

"That's so soon, okay we will send lurch right away!" My father said.

"Thank you. That will be all." I said goodbye to my parents and started to pack my stuff, I need to get Enid to pack her stuff without getting any suspicion. I decided to pack half of her wardrobe for her. Knowing her should would.

As I waited for Enid I played with our cat, thinking about if we should take him or not. I continued petting him until Enid walked through the door. The cat and I looked at Enid in sync.

"You two are like twins." Enid laughed before coming up to me to give me a kiss. She then gave kisses to our cat and pets.

Enid POV:

I was petting our cat practically mothering it. There was then a knocked at the door Wednesday got up to go get it. It was lurch he grumbled as he took our suitcases to the car.

"Where are you going?" i asked I was worried was she leaving me?

"WE are going somewhere." I felt my worries go away once she said that, I had a smile going from ear to ear.

"Where are we going?" I asked hugging Wednesday.

"Somewhere now get in the car." I loved when she was demanding. Wednesday was wearing the sweater I bought her. She walked out of the room I soon followed her.

I held Wednesday hand as she took me to her family's car. It took us an hour to get where we needed, where were we even going? We stopped in front of a plane, not a commercial airplane but a nice black jet with an A on the door.

"Wednesday?" I asked holding onto her arm.

"I'm taking you on a vacation, love." She said creasing my cheek. She knows how to make a girl feel love.

We boarded the plane our cat was in a small place, Thing came along with us he was also in his own little space. The plane had its own bed, a bar and a whole bunch of snacks, there was also a living room.

"Hello Ms. Addams and guest today we will have smooth flight and no weather problem. We hope you have a great flight if you need anything call up Lurch he will come and assist you."

Wednesday then called lurch whispering something in his ear and went back to the cockpit (you can laugh I also laughed while writing this)

"My mistake Welcome Ms Addams and Ms Enid Addams." Wednesday smirked as my face turned deeply red.

After about 30 minutes we were allowed to roam around. We laid in bed most of the ride watching tv more specifically horror movies as we cuddled up. My head was buried in Wednesdays chest. As I kept jumping from all the scenes I decided to just stay like this until the movie was over.

"Mi amor where are we even going?" I asked Wednesday.

"Cara Mia, it's a surprise." Of course she said that, she doesn't spoil surprises like that.

It was good that we are taking this trip considering I'm starting my heat cycle tomorrow.
The flight was about 13 hours long, where were we going Paris? China?.

"Wednesday what's taking so long?" I asked tugging on her shirt.

"I like making the flight longer, we are circling around the country. It makes you impatient I love it when your impatient." She said still watching the movie.

"Thank you for this Wednesday."
"Your welcome Cara Mia."

997 words

I don't know where to end this so I'm leaving y'all on a cliff hanger
Also I'm going to release a new Wenclair story soon so wait for that y'all

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