Chapter 7: First date

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(It's 6 where I live and haven't got any sleep cause my friend is sleeping on call with me and I'm trying to make sure she doesn't fucking die😋)

Also mostly a Wednesday pov chapter

Wednesday POV:

I was in Jericho to pick up things from different stores. I was planning to ask Enid out to today and maybe ask her to be my girlfriend, I never thought I would have feelings for anybody like how I have feelings for Sinclair.

I walk back to the dorm until I get stopped by one of Enid's best friend, Yoko. I know exactly she is going to do once she opens her fanged mouth.

"So who are all that stuff for?" She twirled her finger in a circle like a wand pointing at the things I'm holding


"Seems like it's for somebody" I quickly tilted my head the other was as I can feel my face turn red

"Maybe somebody like Enid?" I jerked my head up quickly when I heard that.

"I said nobody, Yoko!" I blurted out loud I pushed her out of the way to head to the dorm.

She pulled my arm back.

"If you don't treat her right I will end you." She said in a threatening tone.

"Calm down, I'm not going to do anything." I said pulling away my arm from her

"So that is for Enid?" Fuck she trapped me.

"Fine it is for Enid, can you not tell her?"

"I won't I promise, but do you need any help for your date?" I turned red once again.

"Uhm yeah can you set up string lights and a picnic blanket at the forest next to the lake?"

"Mhm I can, what time do you need it done?"
She nodded, she put her hand out as I gave her my boxes and bags for Enid.


"Okay got it." We both walked our separate ways.

I made it to the dorm I see Enid sitting on my bed on her phone like usual. I sit on the bed next to her.

"Hi wens!" She took her eyes off the phone to look up at me.

"Sinclair, do you want to maybe go on a date with me tonight?" I asked nervously staring at my shoes.

"Like a friend date?" I scoffed and sighed

"No like an actual date."

Oh, well yeah sure, that sounds fun!" I looked over to the clock it was 6:46. I looked back at Enid.

"We'll meet me in the forest next to the lake at 7:45." I ran out the door sprinting to the forest, to see if Yoko was done setting up. She wasn't there and the setting looked beautiful.

I sat there on the black and white picnic blanket waiting for Enid for what seemed like hours.
I heard leaves crunching behind me, I turned my head and stood up, holding pink and black carnations and a light blue teddy bear.

"I got these for you." I awkwardly handed the objects to her.

"Oh thank you, Wens"

Enid POV;

Omg! I can't believe I'm on a date with Wednesday! The Wednesday Addams! She looks so beautiful in the moonlight, she's just so perfect, I really hope this date goes well, I hope she asks me to be her girlfriend! I'm just so excited to be in this position right now. My heart is about to explode, she gave me a teddy and flowers, I'm def going to keep these forever!

Wednesday POV:

I really hope I'm doing a good job on this date thing, it's my first official date with anybody, especially with a girl like Enid

"You look very pretty tonight, Addams.." she broke the silence, the peaceful silence.

"Thank you Enid." I acted as if I didn't care but in reality my stomach was getting filled by spiders, is this what true love is?

Enid got closer to me, resting her hand on my hand, at first a flinched my hand, not understanding what she was doing, but I moved my hand back under hers.

"Enid, I really really like you, and I been wanting to ask you this every since I found out I had fallen for you, Enid you are a perfect girl, you beautiful in any lighting any sunset and sunrise. Enid you are a colorful rainbow, in my dark cloudy world, the way I would spend all my time with you, I don't want to imagine my future with out you, I don't deserve you, you deserve the world. Enid you have the most beautiful face in the world. I love the way you dance exist in your general demeanor. I love how you always do your best. The fact I could spent every minute of my life supporting you then I can die happy. The fact your alive brings me joy I'm honored to be on the same planet as you, I love you so much it hurts. Eni-" I was cut off by a slow passionate kiss by Enid, she was grabbing my face, pulling me deeper into the kiss, we slowly pulled away to see each others face expression.

"Enid Sinclair, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, you idiot" we stared into each others eyes until we decided we needed to get back to the dorm, due to curfew.

Enid POV:

Halfway through the path, I started holding Wednesday hand, I didn't hold back for a while until I realized what she had done. Once we were back from the dorm, we both got changed into our pajamas. The whole time I was getting ready for bed I kept replaying the moment where, Wednesday was giving her speech about how much she loves me. I was so flustered, I couldn't even focus on what I was doing.

Wednesday was already in her bed, reading a book with no words on the cover, must have been a really old book then. I got on top of her resting my head on her chest, her legs were up as I put mine in between hers.

"I love you with my entire soul."

1027 words

(Longest chapter yet!)

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