Chapter 11:Entering Heat

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(Smut ofc and I promised there it, I lied the last time I said that I'm sorry)

Wednesday POV:

I sat up from my bed Enid was pacing back and forth, it was giving me a headache, maybe she's worrying about what she was worrying about last week, the day before the dance.

"Enid, Dear what has you all worked up?"

""Oh your awake, Wednesday, I'm going to have to leave for a few days" she walked towards me.

"Oh I totally understand, Enid" I rested my hands on my knees leaning in to give her a kiss, she took a step back.

"Wait you do? You know I'm going into heat?" She went towards me again.

"What, Oh no! I just thought it would make you feel better, Why would you even leave for that?"

"Because we never had you know, and I thought you wouldn't want to mate with me." She looked down at her shoes.

"When are you starting heat?" I asked getting up from the bed and walking over to Enid.

"It starts tomorrow." I lifted up her chin to give her a kiss. After a few seconds we pulled away.

"Are you going to skip classes tomorrow?"

"Yes and today."

"Oh okay, well I'm going to go get ready for class are you fine by yourself for 4 hours, I'll be back for lunch and break" I gave her one last kiss before leaving to get ready and leave go class.

Enid POV:

Time was going by so slow I was petting and playing with our cat the whole time Wednesday was gone, I didn't have the guts to tell her that my heat was happening in 6 hours. She would be off of school by then, but it would be really late too, I heard Wednesday opening the door with her keys my tail started to wag.

I sat like a dog on her bed, she opened the door and she came up to me with food in her hands.

"Hi darling" she gave me a kiss on my cheek. My heart was fluttering and so was my stomach, my tail couldn't stop wagging at her.

"Your tail is in a good mood today." She teased me while putting the food on the bed. We ate and talked before she had to leave again for her next class, I gave a her a kiss before it turned into a deeper kiss and soon a make out section, but we stopped before she was late to class. Which I'm glad about cause then that would have pushed my heat in coming sooner.

I went back to petting the cat and watching Gilmore girls on my laptop, this time the clock was going by really fast. I hope the heat won't be bad when it starts, it is my first time being in heat.

It had been 3 more hours since Wednesday left, I didn't know what to do so I got out of bed and took a bath trying to get my mind off of things.

I heard somebody in the room Wednesday might have skipped her class because it was reading class and she thinks it pointless. I let the tap run as I got nude. I had took off my shirt and pants already only leaving my undergarments on. I unlock the door just in case if Wednesday needed anything. Which she did because right after she opened the door.

"Ah shit, Enid!" She covered her eyes with her arm. I teased her a little bit. Putting my hand on her arm and rubbing it, I wanted to burst out laughing as I did I saw the tip of her eyes get red.

"You wanna get in the shower with me?" I said as a joke.

"Uhm no thank you, thanks for the offer." I can tell she was nervous.

"I was kidding Weds" I said placing a kiss on her arm.

"Okay well what do you need?" I asked getting into the bathtub. Her arm was still covering her arm, she was so adorable.

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