Chapter 9: Cara Mia

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(Smut Chapter???)

Wednesday POV:

I woke up in Enid's bed too Enid staring at her calendar, she had her hands on her hips, Maybe she was thinking for her once in her life.

"Enid?" She turned around keeping her eyes on the calendar before looking at me.

"Morning Wens" She walked over to the bed sitting in front of me holding my hands. It seemed like she wanted me to do something for her, but I don't have an idea what she wants.

"Why were you staring at your calendar?" She looked back at the calendar for a quick second and stared right back at me.

"Because something very important is coming up, and I may need to leave the dorm for a couple of days.."

"Why? What's going on?"

"I can't tell you it's embarrassing."

"Oh okay, you don't have to tell me. I'm gonna go get ready for the day." I got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I did my routine, and got changed. I left the bathroom and saw Enid pacing in the middle of our room.

"Enid, are you sure you don't wanna tell me?" I held her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"Yes I'm sure." She nuzzled her head into my shoulder.

"Oh I totally forgot, Enid, do you want to go to the Rave'n with me tomorrow?" I asked pulling her away from me a little.

"Of course Wednesday I thought you would never ask!" She hugged me right not letting go for 3 minutes.

Time skip
The next day

Enid POV:

Me and Yoko were in town looking for dresses for the Rave'n early in the morning after I woke up.

"So you and Wednesday sure have been getting close, huh?" I stopped in my tracks after she said that.

"Uhm yeah, Wednesday is kinda my girlfriend now.." I scratched the back of my neck.

"The Wednesday Addams is dating a colorful girl like you? Who would every thought no offense"

"It's totally fine, I was shocked too when she told me she liked me.." I still replay that clip in my head everyday.

"Okay well I need to go back to my dorm to get ready for my date with Bianca"

"Okay good luck!" Yoko gave me a hug before leaving me to go catch an Uber.

After a while of looking for little stuff animals I decided I need to leave as well, I walked all the way to nevermore. I put my keys into the lock and opened the door, Wednesday was working on her novel, I walked over to her side of the room and placed little kisses on the back of her neck. I stopped to go get ready for the dance putting on a white dress, When I got out Wednesday was also ready, her hair was up in a bun and she was wearing a black dress suit with a nice white blazer, she looked so beautiful. Perfect even.

"Enid I got something for you today." She said getting up from her chair.

"What is it?" I said all excited

"Close your eyes, Cara mia." Cara mia? She had never called me anything other then my name, this gave me butterfly's. God Wednesday what are you trying to do to me?

Wednesday POV:

I grabbed a small black box, with a pink ribbon, I was wearing the sweater she got me a couple weeks ago. I opened the box, grabbing the thing inside of it.

"Enid can you lift up your hair for me?" She obeyed, I wrapped the shiny object around her neck.

"You can open your eyes now." I took a step back. I can hear her sniffling, I stood in front of her she was on the verge of tears.

"Oh I'm sorry, do you want me to take it off?" I put my hand on her shoulder, she just hugged me.

"Thank you, Wens nobody has ever gotten me something like this before." Enid had gone through multiple relationships but I'm the only one who gotten her something? This must have might a lot to her then.

"You wanna go to the dance now, Darling?" I bowed down and held my hand out, she took my hand. And I walked her down to the where the dance was being held.

We found a nice spot where it was quiet and with mot many people.

"Are you fine by yourself I'm going to get a drink." Enid asked

"Of course I am." My arms were crossed as I look up at her.

"Okay." She nodded and smiled at me with her hands behind her back as she skipped away.

It had been more the 25 minutes since she left me, I started getting worried. I left the peaceful area to go look for her. I saw her, she was pinned up the wall by some boy, it wasn't Ajax for once he was with his buddies and his own date I think.
I walked up to the two of them, Enid was clearly uncomfortable, his hand was above her head, and his other hand was starting to creasing her cheek.

Enid POV:

I looked around to see if anybody was seeing what this guy was doing to me. I saw Wednesday in the distance, she was walking over she looked mad. I was uncomfortable with this guy touching me and I told him I had a girlfriend and I wasn't interested but he didn't care. Fuck why is this happening to me right now?

"Who are you?" She asked I felt a sigh of relief leaving my mouth, as she pulled my arm towards her, I hid behind her as she was staring at the guy.

"What do you want? Mind your business."

"I'm Enid's girlfriend." Her tone had gone deeper and monotone as she spoke.

"Whatever" he scoffed and walked away.

"Are you okay?" She looked into my eyes.

"Yes I'm fine thank you." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing her hand to take her to the dance floor for a slow song.

I put my arms under hers as she grabbed my waist. She pulled my closer as I rested my head on her shoulder, I felt her lips giving me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

We slow danced the rest of the night letting all our troubles pass as we glided the dance floor.

(I'm not sure where to end this one)

1086 words

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