Chapter 12: Parents Week

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(Once again a mostly Enid POV chapter also a little bit of smut??)

Enid's POV:

Today is the first day of Parents Week. I was no where near excited for this, I have been dreading this day. My parents aren't supportive of me and are very much disappointed in me.

Me and Wednesday were getting ready for today, she was also not excited for today, but understood that it was worse for me. Im incredibly lucky for her.

"Enid, you know you can be with my family if your family is disapproving of you." I smiled softly

"I think I'm going to be okay, but I know." She held my hand as we were walking towards the quad, Once we entered the quad I already saw my mom judging and my brothers wrestling, while my dad was looking for something.

"Enid, are you sure? We could go back to the dorm, or you can meet my parents officially to stall or until your comfortable." She kissed my cheek.

"Actually I want to meet your parents first." I pulled her towards her parents and younger brother.

"Hello, Father, Hello Mother." Wednesday said with her usual monotone voice.

"Ah, my little storm cloud, and you must be Enid, nice meeting you again!" Her father opened up his arms hugging both of us.

"Hi, Mr Addams, Happy too meet you again" I gave him a hug and a smile. Wednesday clearly didn't like that, as she gave me a death glare.

"Hello Wednesday." Her mother said standing still keeping her stance, but still gave a warm smile. Wednesday looked at me before saying something to her parents.

"Mother, Father, Enid is my girlfriend." She started, her parents didn't say anything.

"Oh wow, Well Wednesday we support you no matter what." I wish my parents were like that, my parents are disappointed with everything I do.

"Wednesday.." I grabbed her hand tightly.

"Yes, cara Mia?" I still get butterfly's with that nick name.

"I think I'm ready to see my parents." I looked behind me to see if I can find them.

"We will only be a few minutes." Wednesday told her parents. I felt bad for leaving them especially as I'm taking their daughter as well. We walked over to my parents. I already felt my stomach sink and my legs shaking.

"Hello mother. Hi dad" Wednesday held my hand tightly as I started getting nervous. My mother looked at me up and down and started sniffing me.

"I see you have a friend with you, Enid." She looked at me with her arms crossed, my brothers continued to wrestle with each other until they noticed I was there standing with Mother.

"Hi Enid!" The youngest one came over to hug me before I could tell her she was actual my girlfriend not a friend. Wednesday watched as I mothered my brother, like how I use to when I was still with them. He was my favorite since we were the two outcasts of our family

"Hi Dennis!" I picked him up to carry him.

"So Enid, have you recently Wolfed out?" My father said trying to keep my mom from asking.

"Last month I did."

"That's very good." He said smiling giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"Not good enough." My mother said.

"I'm sorry for being a big disappointment." I said under my breath.

"So is this Addams? The one you talked about all summer?"

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