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Most of this story is going to be in Enids POV

Enid POV:

I woke up to Wens holding my waist, I blushed when I noticed, I never thought I would be here in Wednesdays arms. I got out of bed slowly trying to not wake her up, I know how she can get if she gets wake up, but last night was different she didn't get mad that time. I picked my phone up and texted Yoko, Since she is supposed to help me with picking something out for Wednesday

                             Egg Yolk🥚🧛‍♀️
Enid: Hey Yoko when can we meet up at the mall to get Wednesday the yk??
Yoko:Is 8:50 okay?
Enid:Yep! Let me just do something real quick
Yoko: Okay see you then!

I left her on read not knowing what to say, I grab a stinky note off of Wednesday's desk, I quickly write "I'll be back" with a heart at the bottom.

I been realizing that Wednesday has been getting nervous around me lately and getting redder every time I talk to her, I couldn't get my mind off of her on to the walk to the mall.

I find a bench In front of the entrance, I stare at my phone trying to take my mind off of her, but I just couldn't.

"Hey Enid!"

I look up from my phone, looking at Yoko smiling, we both gave each other a hug before going inside, we did some shopping before we got Wednesday her gift.

"Are you sure she's going to like this?"

"I think so!" I said all excited to give this gift to her

Wednesday POV:

I wake up late today it's already 11:24, Enid isn't in bed with me, I don't think much of it and just goes to my desk, I see a note, it has a heart I blush at the heart and quickly puts it down until Enid barged into the door she was carrying about 6 bags, Clearly all were from different stores, I just watch her carry them.

"Do you need help?" I finally said walking towards her.

"No I'm good" she said grunting trying to hold them, I grab some of the bags and carried them to her bed.

Enids POV:

I was shocked at what she just had done, for some reason. I started blush she started staring at me, I think she noticed

"Enid? Are you okay?" She said looking up at me

"Mhm, I'm fine" I snapped out of the trance
"I got something for you by the way!" I begun rummaging through the bags trying to find the black box with a white ribbon on top, I finally found it after searching of what felt like an hour,
I quickly and awkwardly handing it to her.

Wednesday POV:

Enid handed me a black box, I softly pulled the ribbon off and opened it up, it was a sweater, a black and white stripped sweater, I start to get teary eyed and quickly put it on, I pulled her in for hug, I start blushing heavily and smiling like an idiot in love.

"This is just a one time thing"

(Second chapter I hope you liked this one! I really hope this made since for some reason there isn't a lot of dialogue)

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