Chapter 25: Cheater?

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Wednesday POV:

We had just gotten back from our long vacation. Both me and Enid were with different people right now. I was with Xavier and Enid was with Yoko and somebody else who I didn't care to learn the name of.

Xavier was teaching me how to use my phone since enid didn't have time to. Lately enid hasn't had time to do anything with me. Which I don't think I should worry about. She's fine on her own.

"Uhm Wednesday?" Xavier said trying to get my attention. He was on his own phone so he could teach me how to text people.

"What do you need, Xavier?" I responded. He had a 'what the hell' face to be honest I didn't know what he was looking at. Was something outside of the shed? Nope. Instead he showed me his phone. I froze I felt like I should be crying. But I didn't I just froze in place.

On his screen was Enid. With Yoko's friend. And they were kissing.

Why would she do this to me? Did I do something wrong? Was this a joke? Was this an old photo?

Once I gained the courage to unfreeze I ran straight to the dorm. Xavier following after me. I don't mind him following me. I don't even care at this point. I entered the dorm room and started packing my belongings.

"Wednesday, we don't know if it's real or not!" Xavier tried convincing me that Enid might not be cheating on me. I didn't listen, I kept packing.

I didn't know where to go. Maybe I'll just switch dorms. Maybe even get a single dorm all for myself.

"Wednesday what are you doing!?" I heard the voice of the girl I once loved. I zipped up my backpack and luggage and stared at her.

"Can't you see I'm leaving?" I said.

"What, why?!" She asked she wore a worried look on her face. I didn't know if that look was real or not. But I don't care enough to know.
I threw my phone at her. She picked it up and her face turned from worried to bewildered.

"Wednesday I can explain." She said.

"I don't want to hear it Enid." I said in an angry tone with my teeth clenching. I could tell that tears were forming in her eyes. But I won't let her cheat on me and then forgive her.

"Wednesday please!" She begged for me to listen to her. At this point she was on her knees and crying. I felt my eyes water as well but I didn't let them out.

"I said I don't want to hear it!" I practically screamed. The room was quiet now.

"Please I love you.." Enid said filling the cold room with her voice that was masked with sobs and hiccups.

"And I loved you enid." And with that I stormed out of the room. I truly did love her. And I hated seeing her in that way. It pained me that I couldn't find the courage to wipe her tears away and forgive her. But I will not forgive her.

Enid POV:

I didn't want her to leave me. I didn't. I didn't mean to cheat on her. I don't even remember that kiss. I felt light headed. Dizzy. And nauseous. What was going on?

I knocked on Yoko's door with mascara running down my face. She opened the door she had a confused look on her face. I explained everything to her with hiccups and sobs and let me come in.

"When did I kiss her!?" I said asking Yoko as she rubbed my back and handed me some tissues and threw the used ones away.

"I don't know." She replied. Was I under a siren spell?

"What species is Estella?" I ask. She thought for a moment before answering. "I think she's a siren. She's in Bianca's friend group. I could ask her." She replies. That's it. I was under a siren spell! But I was too sad to do anything right now.

"How can I get Wednesday back?" I ask still crying but not as much and the hiccups has gone.

"Enid.. I don't think you can.." she replies. "What do you mean?" I ask once again.

"Wednesday is pretty stubborn and knows how to hold a grudge so you might not get her back."
I felt like I should cry. And cry until all my troubles go away. But I don't think they could.

A week later

Wednesday POV:

I cried.

I cried until my eyes couldn't take it anymore.

I cried until I feel asleep.

I cried until I couldn't feel my own face.

I cried so so much.

How could she do that to me? Did it mean something to her? What was she trying to explain? Was she trying to explain that she didn't love me anymore?

I cried in my bed until I heard a little ding on my bedside table. I was staying at Xavier's dorm for a while until I got the switching dorms situation figured out.

The ding came from my phone and I picked it up.

'One new message from Enid💕' the notification box read. I have had the effort to change Enid's contact name yet.

I opened the message and was greeted by a paragraph of saying how she's sorry and if we could get back together.

"Enid. I'm sorry but I won't forgive you. I think this break up might be the best for both of us. We are complete opposites and that won't work out. We would most likely be a highschool couple that wouldn't work out. Enid I loved you with every inch of my body. But you didn't love me back." I replied with a short paragraph. In gray a bubble with three dots shows up just above the keyboard of my phone.

"Can we please talk? I want to explain what happen." I sighed and put my phone down. Should I text her back and meet up with her?

I picked my phone back up and started typing to her.

"Enid I'm sorry but we are never ever ever getting back together."

I did want to get back together but I couldn't let her break my heart again. I put my phone down and let all the notification rings go off as I hugged my knees and cried into them.

Goodbye my love.
Cara Mia.

1117 words




Why is this writing so much better then my other chapters??

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