Chapter 13: Mistletoe

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Wednesday POV:

It was the week before break, Enid and I were watching a Christmas movie with my arm around Enid as she snuggled into me, I bet she felt good not having to watch a horror movie with me for once. I know she didn't want to go to her parents house for break so I decided maybe she would want to go with me.

"Cara Mia?" I knew she still gets butterfly's when I call her this, it's quite adorable.

"Yes Wens?" She replied not taking her eyes off the screen. But when a notification came up from somebody, the only word I could catch was "party".

"Hold on, let me get this message real quick." She got off of me, and started typing on her laptop. I didn't like this, personally I wanted cuddles, but something always has to interfere.
I started scratching behind her wolf ear, I could hear her softly whimper.

"Uhm.. Wens.." she said with a shaky like voice.
I stopped thinking it was bothering her since her ears are sensitive.

"I didn't say stop." She said with a stern tone. I can feel my mouth smirk. I continued scratching her ears

"Okay anyways, do you want to maybe go to a party with me today? It's going to be a Christmas party since we will be off of break soon, and I want to spend as much time as possible." She snuggled into my neck again as I wrapped my arms around her.

"That's what I wanted to talk about, Mi amor." I creased her cheek softly with the back of my hand.

"I was wondering if you wanted to stay with my parents, instead of yours so that way you wouldn't be uncomfortable around them." She rested her head in my hand like a dog.

"Really?" I can see the excitement in her eyes.

"Yes cara Mia.." I kissed her cheek

"I would love to!" She hugged me and placed kisses all over my face.

"The party starts at 7 by the way, love." She said pulling away for a second. I nodded.

Time skip
2 hours later

Enid POV:

I couldn't believe I was going to spend the break with, my love. I had dragged Yoko with me to pick clothes for the party and break.

"Hey I'm going to go into this store real quick." I said pointing at a Victoria Secret type store.
I instantly felt uncomfortable, I wanted to find something to please Wednesday when we are at her house. I searched through the store, looking for something I think she would like. After a while I found a black lingerie with a white ribbon on
The waist.  Just like the present I gave her that came with her sweater. I also found a really cute Santa outfit for the party. (Think of that one mean girls scene where they are dancing on stage.)

I met up with Yoko again and we headed back to the dorm together, I dropped her off at her dorm and I went into mine, I heard the shower running so i decided to hide the two outfits in one of my drawers. I heard the water go off and I laid in my bed scrolling on TikTok.

"Hi wens!" I looked up at her, she was wearing sweat pants with a band T shirt.

"Hi, my love." God I loved it when she gave me nicknames like that. She leaned in to kiss me before going to her type writer.

"The party is about to start in an hour, do you wanna go ahead and get ready while I shower?
Wednesday nodded but didn't say anything.

I ran the tap water for a little bit to go get my clothes for the party. Wednesday is laying on her bed reading a book. I go back into the shower and get ready for the party, I do my makeup, but while doing my blush my claws extended and scratched my cheek. Shit.

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