Chapter 19: Please Wake Up.

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Enid POV:

It's been 2 weeks since the incident. I laid there with Wednesday still not awake, I cried my eyes out again, she might not wake up. I can't lose her now. I need her with me at this time. She is the only person who keeps me safe. I don't want to feel that with anybody else I only want to feel that with her and only her.

I got up from the bed deciding to take a shower using the hospitals bathroom. I grabbed another one of Wednesdays hoodie I stole and went to the bathroom. I sat in the tub crying my eyes out. Apart of me thinking this is my fault.

"Do you want to kiss under the mistletoe?" I nodded hesitantly. She got up as I followed her. We made it too the small plant handing on the doorway. She held both of my hands, leaning towards me until our lips finally touched, her lips were soft and warm as our lips hugged one another. We stayed like this for as long as we could, I love this girl, I want to be with her forever, I want her to be happy with me, I want to give her everything she wants, dreams, needs in life, I wanna hear her voice a love nobody could destroy. I would die for this girl, no, I would live for this girl, I would stay on earth for her no matter how terrible life will become. We finally pulled away from each other, admiring one another's eyes.

I turned off the shower got out and changed. I watched Wednesday conscious body laying there not moving. I went to the cafeteria I didn't want to eat but it's for Wednesday. I grabbed chips and a cookie. Until another flashback hits me.

"I brought you a cookie" she said handing me the package cookie.

"I know how much you like cookies."
"Thanks" I smiled staring at the cookies she can tell I was blushing deeply.
"Can I have some of your soda?" I asked me she handed me her soda we ate our food and went back to sleep

Every single second I wanted to cry. I will kill her if she doesn't wake up, I thought tying to not make myself cry. Please wake up. All I want for her is to wake up. I grabbed my food and went back to Wednesdays room she still wasn't awake I sighed and placed the food on the table next to her. I opened up my chips and cookie and ate them slowly. Admiring her beauty. I turned on the Tv in the room to take my mind on things. I settled on a old movie called Dangerously Yours (Tv girl Stan yk yk) every time that man spoke it felt like Wednesday was talking to me. They had the same way to show their love. The way they speak to their lover. I couldn't take enough of this. I didn't want to live in a life where Wednesday was in a coma for who knows how long? I walked into the bathroom grabbing a sharp object and I cut into my skin. Not deep enough to kill me. I wanted to wait a little longer for her. I sat in the bathroom crying until my eyes were sore.

I got out of the bathroom, Of course she wasn't awake yet. But Yoko and Bianca was there.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked them.

"We came to see how you two were doing." I looked at Wednesday then back at them.

"Do you want to go to the Weathervane with us? We think you need it." Bianca said.

"Yeah, that sounds great." I said hesitantly. I didn't want to leave her but It's what they think is best for me. We walked out of the hospital and went to the weathervane. The whole time I was shaking and didn't want to talk to anybody.

"Enid are you okay?" Yoko asked.

"I'm fine." I sniffed.

"I'm sorry about Wednesday." Bianca said. Reaching for my hand. I pulled back. I only wanted to be touched by Wednesday.

"Do you want to go to the mall?" Yoko asked. I nodded let's see if I could find anything for Wednesday.

We made our way to the mall. We spilt up I quickly went into a jewelry store. I looked around for a while before spotting a ring with a black band with black stone. I called a employee over.

"Can you engrave something in the ring?" I asked pointing to the ring I wanted.

"Mhm! What do you want us to engrave to it?" The worker asked.

"Can you engrave E.S and W.A to this one and this one?" The other ring was a white and with a colorful gem. I wanted Wednesday to have the black one with E.S and I with the white and W.A.

She picked up the rings and took them to the back and came back a minute later.

"It will be done in about 3-5 hours." We have each other smiles and I left to go see some clothes. I stopped in front of Spencer's. I took deep breath and stepped in.

I was looking for two things in particular for Wednesday. I bought what I was looking for and meet up with Yoko and Bianca again. Bianca was holding all of Yoko's bag which made me giggle.
I haven't laughed in a long time.

"Are you ready to go back?" Yoko asked. I nodded. I wanted to see my Wednesday again. I didn't want to be where else but with her.
I wanted to see her smile again. I wanted to see her obsidian eyes again. I wanted to watch her braid her hair again. I wanted her to pet our cat again. I wanted to hug her again. I wanted her to threaten anybody who would flirt with me again.

Yoko and Bianca took me back to the hospital. They have been taking care of our dorm for the pass few weeks since we both have been gone.
I sat in the chair next to Wednesday. Holding her hand as tight as I could. I wanted to see if there was any spark of life inside of her.

"Wednesday please give me a sign." Nothing.
I held her hand until she gave it a squeeze. I got something! Finally got something!

"Wednesday?" I said I got another squeeze two seconds later. I got excited. happy.

"Are you awake?" I stood up holding her hand. Another squeeze.

"Can you open your eyes?" I asked. She didn't squeeze back this time.

"Okay Wednesday squeeze once if yes squeeze twice for no, you got that?" She squeezed once. I started asking her questions like out first kiss our first time, our first date, the sunset. Everything I could think of.

"Wednesday do you love me?" I asked
She squeezed once.


Is this a sign of her awaking or is this all Enid's imagination??????? Who knows?? I certainly don't.

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