Chapter 5:Feelings

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(I have a hard time coming up with titles so please help me)

Enid POV:

I was sitting on Wednesday lap facing her as I dug my face into her shoulder while she was writing her novel. In a friend way of course. Right?

There's a knock on the door, I got up from my very comfortable seating position trying not to hurt Wednesday, making my way to the door.

It was Ajax.

"What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you." He said trying to look inside the dorm. I closed the door slightly blocked his sight of anything else.

"What why?" I put one hand on the door ready to slam it in his face.

"Enid let me just speak to you."

"Fine." I finally gave up and just let him talk

"Enid, I know you want me, I can tell by the way you look at me, please just give me a chance."
I glanced back at Wednesday feeling guilty, why was I feeling this way? Do I like her?

"Please Enid" he continued

"Ajax, look your a nice guy, but I have my mind on somebody else." I looked at Wednesday again her back face to me, I stared at Ajax's face, his sad begging face.

"I can be a better boyfriend then them!" He said in a confident jerk tone "Please Enid." The door slammed in his face before I could say anything. I looked to the side of me, and it's Wednesday.

"What's was that for?" I said smiling as he was getting on his nerves.

"His voice his annoying, and it's my writing time."
She went back to her chair, I stood next to her watching her write.

"What?" She asked

"Can we watch a movie?"I said, I didn't actually want to I just wanted to spend time with her.

"Uhm sure" She glanced back at her paper before looking back at me "has to be horror."

"Got it" I smiled softly, The thought of her letting me cut into her writing time so I can hang out with her, made me feel warm, especially my face.

We sat on her bed, trying to find a movie that we both haven't seen. We decided on Rosemary's baby, since it was horror and super old, both things I think Wednesday likes.

Wednesday POV:

We were watching some horror movie on her laptop, I wasn't paying attention since the whole time Enid was latched onto my arm burying her face into my neck squealing. I was smiling the whole time.

Enid POV:

I kept burying my face into Wednesday, it wasn't in a romantic way or anything, it was just instinct I  guess.

Wednesday POV:

Enid had fallen asleep on my shoulder 57 minutes into the movie, that's a new high score for her.

I closed her laptop, I picked up the blanket and put it over us, I laid her down, I put my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me.

Time skip

2:43 am

It was almost the middle of the night, I woke up with Enid snuggled into my neck. She really must like cuddling if she's cuddling with her friend like this.

I slowly got up from the bed, I was starving since I haven't ate all day, I figured I'll go to the cafeteria since it's open 24/7 on weekends.

I walked downstairs to the cafeteria, I grabbed some chips and a soda, I grabbed a cookie for Enid too, I know how much she loves cookies.

I went back upstairs too our dorm, Enid is awake, I figured I woke her up.

"Hey, why you up?" I said placing the cookie and soda on the table next to her bed.

"You weren't here, I wanted to wait for you."

I smiled and felt my face warm up, that's the more disgusting thing anybody had ever said to me. I liked it. We were silent for about 10 seconds

"I brought you a cookie" I said handing her the package cookie.

"I know how much you like cookies."

"Thanks" she smiled staring at the cookies I can tell she's blushing deeply.

"Can I have some of your soda?" She asked me I handed her my soda we ate our food and went back to sleep

Enid POV:

Wednesday and I are cuddled up again like how we were before she left.

Wednesday makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, she makes me feel safe, she's strange and weird as fuck, but that's what I like about her, she isn't like anybody else. I know me and her aren't together but, she's way better then any of my past partners. She makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world, the only girl that she has ever loved, words can express how much I love I have for this girl. I really like her and I hope she's with me forever.

There I said it, I like Wednesday fucking Addams.

838 words
(Maybe my longest yet)

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