Chapter 21: Waking Up? Part two.

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(Y'all I'm sorry for last chapter I swear totally sorry please vote on these chapters cause I got so much motivation for it anyways hope you gays cried for these chapters xoxo)

Tw mention of suicide

Enid's POV:

I was in my bed. What happened? I was in Wednesdays hospital room only a second ago.
I looked at the time. It was 10:34 thank god I didn't have school today. Was it all a dream? What was happening? I had so many questions in my head. Was the concert real? Was the hug with Wednesday real?

I get up from my bed making my way to the bathroom. I cupped my hands under the tap and splashed water in my face. I got dressed and got into Yoko's car. Yoko was giving me a ride to the hospital. We made some quick stops. Like a flower shop and a little box for the rings I bough only a couple days ago when I went to the mall with Yoko. I need to ask if what happened was only a dream.

"Hey Yoko?" I asked

"Yes Enid?"

"Uhm did we go to a K-pop concert last night?" I asked looking down at my shoes.

"Uhm yeah, but you passed out mid way through." Oh so it was a dream.

"But me and Bianca carried you to your room. Your heavy did you know?" She laughed. Wednesday can carry me only using one thirds of her strength. I miss her and her muscled arms around me when we sleep together.

I got my name tag and headed to Wednesdays room for visiting hours. It looks exactly like the dream. It felt so real. Wednesday was still asleep in her coma. At this point it had been 3 weeks. 3 weeks without hearing her voice, or her annoying type writer noise, or her and her stupid threats. I sat in the chair next to her holding her hand. I placed the black and pink flowers on the table next to her, as well for the ring. I was already wearing mine.

As I was holding her hand, she squeezed it. What? Is she awake? I lift my head up with eyes widen. Her eyes weren't open yet. I sighed.

When visiting hours were over I had left the room but stayed and waited in the cafeteria if any news was going to happen. I could feel it. I know that today she is going to wake up. I put my ear buds in and listened to music. More specifically songs that Wednesday would listen to.

Her music taste is.. unique in a good way though. It def would set the mood for a make out session. Speaking of that. My heat was going to start soon. If Wednesday doesn't wake up then I would have to go to the cages until it wears off or whatever it's called.

I finished eating my food, I decided to sneak back into Wednesdays room. She was laying there not moving, just like her corpse like sleeping position. God how I love her. I held her hand once again getting lost every now and then. I breath in not wanting to let go. I needed to be strong for Wednesday. I can't cry anymore. I need to stay strong. I kissed her hand gently.

"I wish I could see your eyes again." I whispered putting her hand up to my forehead still holding it.

"Then look at them." I hear a monotone voice say. I look up and Wednesday is awake! This time I know it's not a dream. She sat up in her bed. I have never been so happy before. I stood up and gave Wednesday the biggest hug ever.

"Cara Mia. How are you?" She asks.

"Mon Cheri! I been okay, but now that your awake I'm so happy!" I had the biggest smile on my face. I handed Wednesday her gifts. She looked happy too. I yearned for her for 3 weeks and now she's finally awake.

A few minutes later doctors came in. Shocked to see me since I wasn't allowed to be in there at that time. They didn't say anything. They ran a few tests for Wednesday she was fine. They said that she could go back to Nevermore tomorrow. They just need her to stay for one more day.

Thing was on table next to Wednesday. I laid next to Wednesday snuggling up to her. This time I could lay as close I can.

"Wednesday?" I ask. I want to know why she tried killing herself.

"Yes, love?" She replied.

"Why did you try killing yourself?"

"Because Enid. I felt like I wouldn't be able to protect you. Ever since that night of the party. I felt like it was my fault. I could have prevented that from happening. I felt like a failure."

"Wednesday, you know you can talk to me." She looked at me with sad eyes.

"Just promise me you won't do it again." I continued. I kissed her forehead gently.

Wednesday POV:

I'm finally awake. How long was I gone for? Enid seems happy I'm back. I want to surprise her with something because I put her through all this trouble. I played with Enid's hair as she laid on top of me her head resting on my shoulder.

"I promise Cara Mia."

900 words

Giving y'all a break on angst but it will come back.. wait for it.. you would not expect it..

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