Chapter 17: Crushed.

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Very angst story since I'm listing to Cigarette after sex🫶 so be prepared.. Dun dun DUN!!

Tw! Rape, and SA

Enid POV:

I was laying on Wednesday chest as she ran her fingers through my hair. I softly whimpered as she did so. We sat in peaceful when suddenly I got a message on my phone and a minute later so did Wednesday. We both got up me sitting on Wednesday with my legs on each side of hers. We both grab our phones and opened them. I smiled and Wednesday frowned.

"I'm not going." Said Wednesday.

"No please?" I asked begging. I grabbed onto her shirt as I put my head to her chest.

"No." She said holding onto my back.

"Please Wednesday? People are going to hit on me.." I said jokingly knowing that prob won't happen.

"Fine." She said with hesitation.

"Yay!" I said letting go of her shirt. She pulled me back in making me feel something.

"Wens!" I said as she rubbed my back. She eventually flipped me over having my back against the mattress.

"Shh.." she said shushing me. She started kissing my neck and collarbone.

"Wens.." I said moaning her name as she gave me hickeys. She lifted her self up using her arms for balance.

"Later." She said.

"Please wens." I begged for her.

"Later." She said again she got up off of me and headed to the dresser assuming getting ready for the party. I sat up watching her. she pulled out black clothes and placed them on the bed. She started undressing in front of me which made me want her even more then before.

"Wednesday?" I called out to her.

"Calm down pup." She said putting on her shirt.
I got up not taking anymore of this and went to my dresser pulling out clothes. I got dressed and walked out, Wednesday was laying in her bed.

"You ready? The party already started." She said walking towards to door. I interlocked hands with her as we walked to the party. We walked in and was welcomed by upbeat music and flashing lights everywhere.

"Enid." She said scooting closer to me. I rubbed her hand with my thumb.

"let's find a room for you like last time." I pulled her into an empty room. We sat there talking for a while.

"Hey Enid?" She said

"Yes?" I put my head into her lap.

"Can I go get a drink?" She got up from the bed and walked to the door.

"Okay!" I kissed her forehead. And she left the room. I sat there on my phone. Somebody walked in but I didn't look up to look.

Wednesday POV:

I grabbed a can of soda until Yoko came up running towards me, she looked like she was in a panic.

"Wednesday! Somebody is in the room with Enid!" She yelled out of breath. I dropped my can and ran to the room knocking on the door. I slammed my body into the door trying to get it to open. I yelled calling for Enid to open the door. I felt tears in my eyes not trying to thing about what is happening. I could hear Enid's muffled crying and screaming inside the room. Eventually I got the door to open knocking the door over.
I'll pay Yoko back later but right now I need to see what is happening. The person inside the room was Ajax. He had his pants half way down along with his underwear. I had water going down my eyes as I watched, my girlfriend getting raped by her Ex boyfriend. She was undressed curled up in a ball.

I launched toward him knocking him over, Yoko kept him pin as I took off my shirt and put it over Enid. I carried Enid her arms hugging my as she buried her face into my shoulder. I ran through the halls going straight to our room. I opened the door and placed her on my bed.

"Enid, are you okay?" I asked. She was still sniffing and curled into a ball. All she could do was shake her head. I went to the bathroom and grabbed things to clean Enid up.

"Enid can I clean you up?" She nodded I gently cleaned her up, making sure to clean all his filthy spots that he could have touched. There was dried Semen in between her legs. I cleaned all his lustful sins away from her.

"Enid, I'm so sorry for leaving you." I started crying. She held me as I cried harder, apart me wants to kill my self for leaving her. It's my fault if I didn't leave her she would be in this situation.

"Wednesday." I looked up to see her face.

"I'm so sorry, Cara Mia I shouldn't have left you please forgive me!" She gently kissed my forehead, as my tears started to get worse.
She patted the bed as signaling me to get on the bed. She grabbed my head and placed it into her lap trying to calm me down. This crushed me knowing I could have done something to prevent this from happening.

"Wednesday it wasn't your fault, it's his. I'm fine he didn't do anything worse then trying to go inside of me." I cried more until she started petting me like a dog. I hugged her more. I held her close not wanting to let go.

"I won't leave you ever again."

913 words

Idk if I would call this angst or sad cause idk why I didn't really cry or anything so have a good night or day where ever you are!!

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