Chapter 28: flight back

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Wednesday POV:

Enid and I were packing our bags for the flight back to Nevermore. Enid was pouting about leaving, she really loved this place. I dreaded leaving too, but studies are more important then sitting around and being lazy.

"I don't want to go!" Enid says as she lays on the bed with her arms and legs spread.

"I'm sorry Enid, but we have too." I was tired and was getting annoyed at this point, if she pouts more then I might snap, and I don't want to snap at her.

"But whyyy!" She whines like a child. I swear I'm going to start counting to five.

"Enid I swear, please get up." I rush to pack the bags. I'm doing both mine and Enid's. "Baby, the car is about to get here."

"Fine." She said and finally gets up from the bed, I take a sigh of relief and continue to pack the bag with her helping me.

Throughout the car ride she kept complaining about school and leaving the house. I was tired and frustrated and what I did next, I didn't mean to.

"Enid! Please stop complaining!" I screamed at her, I yelled at her, her face looked shocked but was soon replaced with anger.

"Why the fuck are you screaming at me!?" She yelled back.

"Because all morning you have been complaining and wouldn't help me pack up!" I screamed back louder, we fought for the rest of the car ride, both screaming louder then the other.

We arrived at Nevermore and we went our separate ways, her going to the dorm and me going to town. I was so mad not at her, but myself.

I yelled at the love of my life, the only person who has really put up with my feelings.

I had to make up to her.

What if she leaves me?

I stand up from the bench I was sitting on and went into a preppy looking shop, I looked around in disgust.

I bought a fairly large bear. It was pink and white, it was soft and not too stuffed. I went into another shop, a flower shop, I picked out two different flowers. A pink one and a white one with some green in it, I was planning to make my own bouquet with it.

I went into the dorm, she wasn't in there, I set the flowers on my desk and got to work to make a perfect bouquet for her.


It's been 5 hours and Enid hasn't came back, I'm worried, she has left the dorm for this long without telling me something happened.

This is all my fault, if only I controlled myself and my stupid emotions.

It's not Enid's fault we are in this mess, it's mine.

505 words
Im going back to 505

Question time people

Should I make a Enid Sinclair book of her at Hogwarts and should It be 7 separate books of each school year?
Also should I make a Hermione granger book with the same 7 books format??

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