"Wake up!!" Alec's mom screamed from downstairs. Alec sighs. "I'm coming, mom!" He shouts back. He runs downstairs.

"I didn't have time to make you lunch, so you'll have to buy at the cafeteria or something"
"I will, Bye mom I'm gonna get Cleo"

he rushes to the door and yanks it open. He grabs his bag and shuts the door behind him.

He runs towards his Best friends apartment. He pushes the button and he hears a tring from inside. The door opens.

"Alec" Cleo exclaims. She runs back inside and grabs her bag. She runs back and closes the door, after shouting:'Bye, Dad!'
They run towards the elevator.

"Wait!" Cleo shouts. Alec turns around. "I want to ask you something" she said. "Go ahead" alec grins. "Nothing" she said, and walked away.

"What was it!?" Alec moaned. "I guess you'll never know, unless you carry my bag!" Cleo shouts.

"Stupid shithead" he groans. He runs up to her and smacks the back of her head. "DAMNIT, Suck your fucking mother, Alec!" She moans while putting her hand to her head.

"Well deserved" alec grins.

Once they arrive at school, Alec runs op to his literal best friend ever, Jason. Cleo likes Jason, too. But in a bad way. A love way. Like relation way. As in couples and kisses.

Alec cringed at the thought of that. "You all right?" Jason asked, while putting an arm around his shoulder.
Alec grimaced.
"I actually cant tell you"
He says. "Awhh come on, we're fucking close" the other boy whines.

"Fine, its Cleo" he said.
"What? What happened between you two?" He asked, worryingly.
Alec shrugged and shook his head. "Theres nothing, I just- I- i dont know, man." jason grimaced and buries his head in Alec's shoulder.

"I think I like Cleo, as in love, love, relation" he sighed. Jason turns his head slowly. "What?" "I said, that i- oh God just let it" he groans. Jason wiped away fake tears. "My baby boy is growing up" he cries.
"Piss off" alec grins.

Jason grimaces. "Dont say that, you cant read my future" he snaps. "I think I can, I see me in it" Alec smirks and winks, jokingly. Jason grins, and winks back.

"ALEC" Cleo screams at the top of her lungs.
Alec shocks and turns around. "Oh hey!" He said. "How you doing, Cleo?" Jason asked, coolly. Cleo blushes and turns around.

"Stop stealing my girls" Alec cries. "Too bad, I'm too handsome to not drool over" Jason smirks. "Just you wait, You will change" alec grimaces. "Stop acting like you can see the future, asshole"

"That's the bell, we got to go now, otherwise we'll be screwed" alec says dramatically. "Oh, you are screwed" jason grins and kicks alec in the shin. Alec groans and holds onto jason for support. "You'll get that one back" he moans.

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