"I think I broke my legs" alec moans. Jason laughs.
"Sucks to suck. Should've woke up immediately then" he says.

Alec glares at him and stands up. Jason grins.
"Would you like princess treatment?" He asks. Alec nods heavily.
Jason bends his knees a bit and alec jumps on.

"Let's go to hell now" jason says and chuckles.
Alec grins. Jason runs out of the forest.

They arrive at school.
Jason sets him down and frowns. "Something's off" he says. "Everything is off and odd lately, what exactly do you mean?"
Alec asks smirking.

Jason grins. Alec looks around. "There is something off, actually" he says. "Yes, I know that" Jason says sarcastically.

Alec rolls with his eyes. "Let's just walk in and pretend that there's nothing" he says. Jason nods.

The two boys walk to the school. There's a row of crows sitting on the roof.
Jason frowns. "And what the fuck?" He mumbles.

They enter the school. It's completely quiet. They walk to their class and take place in their seats.

"You guys are... late.. again" the teacher stutters. Alec grins.

"Yes..... w-we a- are!" Alec mimicked her. Jason chuckles. They hear ava grinning a bit.
Cleo giggles.

Alec clears his throat. "Uh... Miss? D- do you know... about... Those weird.....c- c- creatures!?" He 'stutters' jason grins.

"I... I.... don't know..." the teacher says dreamily.
"Weird" alec mumbles. Jason nods. "I think we should just go to the toilets" jason moans.

"Eh.. I dont think it's a good time to" alec says.
Jason groans and puts his arms over eachother. (Don't know how to describe that right)

"Wait, we are supposed to find this boring with the teacher yelling at us" jason whispers. Alec nods.

"I have an excuse to go to the bathroom!" Alec whispers. "What!?" Jason whispers.

Alec grabs a piece of paper. He starts writing and writing. "This should do" he says grinning.
"By the way, you'll say that" he says and points at somewhere in the text.

Jason groans. "No way I'm doing that" he snaps.
Alec pouts. Jason rolls with his eyes.

"We will share our first kiss when we die, then?" Alec groans. Jason grins.
"I'll say it" he says. Alec smirks.

"Ma'am? I really need to go to the bathroom! But I need a person with me at the toilet!! Otherwise I can die of a heart attack!" Jason exclaims dramatically.

The teacher raises an eyebrow slowly. Ava bursts out laughing and Cleo chuckles.

"Uhm.... fine... I guess... you could... take... him.. with you..?" She says slowly and points at alec, slowly.

Jason nods and grabs Alec's hair and pulls him with.

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