"Ahhh I'm so bored" Jason moans after 2 minutes. "Shut up, I'm going crazy" Alec says. Jason grimaces.

"Should we just sleep it away?" Jason asks, nodding to his bed. "Fine with me" alec agrees.

Jason crawls under his blanket and Pats the spot next to him. Alec gets in too.

"Its too hot now" alec whines. "Because I'm here, obviously" jason rolls his eyes.

Alec closes his eyes. Jason searches for something. A book. He found it. He then opens the book and reads.

The lights flicker out. Jason shrieks and reaches out for Alec's hand. And to his luck, he takes it. Alec slowly opens his eyes and looks at Jason in the dark.

"What's the time" jason looks at his phone. "uh. Its 23:26" he answers. "How'd the time go so fast" alec asks. Jason shrugs. "Dont know" he answers.

"Why the fuck are we holding hands" alec cringed and let go of Jason's hand. "Because we dont like the dark" jason answers, simply.

"Oh" alec says. "Do you think they are still there?" Alec asks. "Don't know, don't care" jason answers. "Stop reading that fucking book and get under those blankets with me" alec whines.

Jason puts away his book and gets closer to Alec. "I can now sniff your aura" he says. "Does it smell good, though?" Alec asks. "Hmm yes" Jason answers and buries his head in Alec's chest.

Alec feels a pleasured smile creep up his face. Jason sighs and falls asleep.
Alec grabs his phone. The signal is back. He opens his phone and goes to check on Cleo.

              Cleo •online
              Today 23:37

                          Uhm, you mean
                         Where are YOU.
No, Alec.
You and jason
Are missing!
Your mom Is
So worried!!
That goes for
Me too!!
                           Eh? Girl chill. Im
                            At Jason's.
Oh, about him
His mother is
Worried sick!
She told us that
She has no sign
Of life in her
And you say
You are there
With him!?!?
This is creepy.
                             You are
              *signal lost*

Alec groans. He grabs Jason's hand and sighs.
He looks at his hand bounded with Jason's. He let go of his hand quickly. Why did he even do that!?
Alec cringes.

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