Alec grins as he gets pulled by jason.
"I am very shocked and frustrated now" he says Calmly. Jason pants heavily.

"You should be, theres a fucking thing chasing us" he says and moans.
He runs to a Bush and jumps in there.

Alec shrieks as he gets stabbed by all those sticks at once. He groans as he lands in the Bush besides Jason.

Jason smirks and lets go of his hand. Alec chuckles and wipes his arms full of needles.
Jason grabs Alec's arm and pulls out all of them.

Alec groans and leans against Jason's shoulder.
"You know, it's really weird how you stopped talking over Cleo like she's the true miracle" jason says suddenly.

"Well, I don't think I really like her anymore. She believes Mavis. It gets on my fucking nerves" alec says.

Jason nods. "When exactly Will you tell Ava?" Alec asks. Jason waves it away. "Nah, I dont think we will get out of this bush alive" he says and points outside of the bush.

The whole school is surrounded by creatures.
"What the actual fuck? When did that happen"
Alec whispers. Jason shrugs.

"I don't know but I think that if we stay quiet and hide here, we should be safe" jason whispers.
Alec chuckles softly.

"I think we should go somewhere inside the school" alec whispers.
Jason groans and shakes his head. "If you want to, you might kiss me now as well, your first and last kiss ever" he whispers.

Alec stands up a bit. "Oh don't worry" I won't ever die. I'm immortal" he whispers. Jason grimaces and shakes his head.
"You're not. Stop thinking that" he whispers.

"Oh" alec says and sits back down. Jason nods.
"That's what I thought" he says. Alec grimaces.
Jason chuckles.

"Its really boring here. And I'm hungry" alec whispers with an angry look. Jason pouts. "Safety or no safety?" He asks. Alec groans and leans against Jason's shoulder again.

"It'd be embarrassing If I died" alec whispers. Jason grins. "All your life" he says. Alec groans. "I don't know who I like. It's more exciting to go to school when you like someone"

Jason shrugs. "I can't decide who you like" alec groans. "Can I like you?" He asks suddenly.
Jason grins. "What? Ofcourse you can like me, who doesn't like me?" Alec chuckles.

"I don't know" he says shrugging. "But we are both boys" alec says. Jason grabs his pants and looks. He nods. "Yes, I know" alec shrugs. "I've always learned boys like girls" Jason chuckles.

"But I don't think I like you. It's not exciting to see you naked" alec groans. Jason sighs.

"You don't have to like anyone" he says. Alec shrugs. "I feel like that's a part of life" he says.

Jason chuckles. "Then don't live, problem solved" he says jokingly.
Alec frowns. "Really?" He asks and stands up.

Jason gasps and pulls him back down. "No!" He exclaims. "I don't really want you to die!!" He groans.

Alec chuckles. "Chill, i was only joking" he says.
Jason shrugs. "Joking or not, it wasn't funny" he says.

Alec grins. Jason groans and rubs his back. "This shit hurts" he moans.
Alec grins. "I told you, we should go into the school and find Ava! uhm and cleo" he says. Jason grimaces.

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