"I HATE THIS FUCKING HUT" jason screams and he pulls out a few of his hair strands. Alec grins.
"Too bad" he says and he sticks out his tongue.

Jason rolls with his eyes and he jumps down.
"What the actual fuck" alec exclaims. "I'd rather be here now to be honest" jason says and walks away.

"So mad and for what" alec says chuckling and he slides down the wall.

"Son of a bitch" Jason mumbles as he walks down the street. He walks to the art store and enters. There's no one inside the store.

"This bitch I swear" he mumbles. He walks towards the sketchbooks and yanks out a few.
He runs out of the store.

Alec humms as he organizes his mattress.
He puts his pillow against the wall. He sits against it and grabs a book. He sighs. "God I needed silence" he mumbles.

He chuckles and drifts away into the book.

Alec jumps slightly as the trapdoor slams open. "I would appreciate it if you learned the definition of knocking" he says and closes his book.

"I'm back" jason says. "I can tell" alec responds.
Jason nods and pulls out the sketchbooks. Alec frowns. "You are fucking broke, how did you get that?" He asks.

Jason grins. "I'm a pro at shoplifting" he says. Alec raises an eyebrow. "The store was empty wasn't it" he says. Jason nods slowly and sits down.
"Well, I don't know why it was empty, but I have a small suspense it was caused by someone going by the name 'Mavis' " jason says.

Alec nods. "I have that suspicion too" he says. Jason chuckles softly.
"Yeah? Then you are very smart" "ofcourse I am" "you weren't, I just gave you 1Q" "no you didn't" "I did" Jason says.

Alec rolls with his eyes. "Atleast I have friends" he says. Jason bursts out into laughter. He giggles high pitched and he leans against the wall.
He sighs and looks at alec. "If that means you don't exist" he says.

Alec frowns. "I am very much alive, and without me you would be dead" he says. Jason shakes his head. "No, I would survive this, with or without you" he says.

Alec grins. "Sure you would" he says and grabs his book again. Jason groans. "You are so fucking boring" he whines.

"Your mom thinks otherwise" alec says. Jason gasps. "What?" He says. Alec grins. "Yes. I am actually your step father, call me daddy" he says. Jason retches. "Disgusting" he says and gags.

Alec chuckles. "Oh come here, son" he says and spreads his arms. Jason shakes his head quickly.
Alec pouts. "Awh, son, why don't you want to hug your daddy?" He asks.

Alec chuckles. "Awh.. why" he says. Jason shrugs. "I don't want to call you daddy" he whines.

Alec wiggles his eyebrows. "Stop that" jason cries. "Why" alec asks. "Go to hell" jason snaps and gets on his own mattress. He pulls his blanket over his head so that he is fully covered with it.

Alec grins. "My little emo son" he says. Jason groans.

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