Jason groans and wakes up. He looks to his side and sees alec sleeping peacefully, well, not for much longer anyways.

Jason grins and jumps up. He starts singing 'Billy jeans' very high pitched and his voice cracks so bad.

Alec puts his hands to his ears quickly and kicks Jason's shin. Jason yelps in pain and falls down.
Alec grins. "You know, every action has consequences" he says chuckling and sits up.

Jason stands up and gets dressed. Alec sighs and turns around to face the wall. "I don't want to go" he whines. Jason shrugs. "Not my problem" he says, simply.

Alec groans and pulls his blanket over his head.
Jason shakes his head. "Nah uh, you arent gonna" he says and pulls the blanket off him.

Alec yelps and gets up.
Jason fixes his hair and straightens his clothes.
Alec slowly starts dressing. "I don't know about you, but I think we need to avoid the toilet today" he says, pulling up his pants.

Jason nods in agreement. "Yeah, but we still have to talk with Ava and Mavis" he says. Alec frowns. "I don't wanna" he says. Jason grins.
"Then don't, I wont be stopping you"

Alec chuckles and packs his bag. Jason just stares at him packing his bag. "You know, I've always wondered why they don't just have our books at school, that would be easier" alec moans.

Jason grins. "That was in elementary though" he says. "Best timeline. No regret existing back then." Alec says.

Jason chuckles and packs his own bag. "I thing we should be careful at school" alec nods. "Yes, teachers are actually scary" he says.

Jason slaps his hand to his forehead and sighs.
"You dumb fuck" he mumbles.

Alec frowns and pulls open the trapdoor. He jumps down and looks above him. "Come down then" he whines.

Jason nods heavily and jumps down.

Alec hooks his arm in Jason's and he skips to school.

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