"I'm actually starving" alec moans while Jason is getting food for him.
Cleo frowns. "Does it still hurt?" She asks, looking at his chest. "Don't feel much" he says, glaring at Mavis. Mavis shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

Jason comes back. "JASON MY LOVE, YOU JUST EXTENDED MY LIFE" alec cries dramatically. Jasom smirks and hands him his lunch.

Alec starts eating greedily and only stops a few times to glare at Mavis.

Jason just eats in silence and only looks up a few times to check up on alec.

Jason pulls out his phone and checks the time. 12:30. He elbows alec.
He looks up. Jason shows him the time. "I was chatting with you at that time" alec whispers.

Jason nods. "Yeah, I know. Check your phone" he says. Alec pulls out his phone, too.

+1 message.
He frowns and clicks on it. Jason puts his arm around Alec's shoulder and reads with him

/message (1).
You have been chosen.

Jason frowns. "What the heck?" Alec raises an eyebrow. Jason's phone chimes.

+1 message.
Jason grimaces and clicks on it.

/message (1).
You have been chosen.

"For what exactly?" Alec asks. Jason shrugs and continues eating. Alec slaps the back of Jason's head. "Come on! Think" jason looks up. "After school, they are staring" he says and nods towards Ava, Cleo and Mavis.

"So... how you girls doing?" Alec asks nervously. There's been a nervous vibe since 2 days.

"It's not great. I just heard that my dad has been eaten" cleo sobs.

Jason turns his head slowly to alec. "We told ya, not immortal like me" alec says. Cleo grimaces.
Jason chuckles softly and covers his face with his hands.

Mavis hugs Cleo tightly. "I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you can move on soon!!" She says with a fake smile.

"You better be sorry, Mavis" Alec says, glaring at her. Cleo and ava both raise their eyebrow. They look at eachother and shrug.

Jason grimaces and Mavis looks angry.
Alec shoves jason a little and nods to Mavis. Kind of making sure it's her.

Jason nods and leans back.

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