Alec sighs. "Let's just find Ava and Cleo" jason nods.
Alec slowly stands up. Jason grimaces and stands up too.

Alec groans and rubs his back. "That shit hurts" he whispers. Jason grins.
"I think it's better if we just run into the school and go into the first best classroom and barricade the door and then text them and tell them to come there" jason whispers.

"Or we run through the backdoor of the school and end up in the P.E. hall where they are right now?" Alec whispers.

Jason shrugs. "Eh if that's what's better then" alec nods. "My ideas are obviously always better"
Jason rolls with his eyes.
"Whatever" he sighs.

Alec pats Jason's head and he runs really quickly to the side of the school and leans against the wall. Jason gasps.

Alec signs him to come.
Jason moans. "Come back you moron" Jason mouths.

Alec shakes with his head and signs him to come again.

Jason nods and runs as fast as he can towards him. Alec pulls him to the side of the school

Jason breathes heavily.
"What the fuck" he whispers. Alec grins.
"We just have to walk through that door and we should be fine" he says.

Jason shrugs. Alec signs jason to follow him and he walks to the backdoor.
Jason moans and follows him.

Alec slowly opens the door. "Its fine in here" he says and grabs Jason's hand. He pulls him in and quickly closes the door.

Jason breathes heavily as he slides his back down the wall and sits down.
"I'm never doing that shit again" he moans.

Alec grins. "Uhm, I think we will be doing this for kinda the rest of our lives." Jason groans and leans his head against the wall.

"Then kill me" he whines. Alec shakes his head. "No, I won't kill you. I don't want to shorten your life, I just know that you dont have longer to live anyways"
He says grinning.

Jason pushes him softly and groans.

Alec chuckles and fixes his hair. Jason grimaces. "Why are Ava and Cleo so close to Mavis" he says and points at the three girls.

Alec gasps and looks at her hands. "She has like those really really long nails, like the grinch has or something I dont really know it looks like it" he whispers.

Jason grimaces. "That's not Mavis anymore. She's already turning" he says and points at her face.
It starts to deform and she quickly puts her hand in front of her face and acts like she's fixing her bangs.

"She really does look stupid actually" alec whispers. "Yes. You are right" "I'm always right you bastard" he snaps.

Jason shrugs.
"I know one thing, she shouldn't be that close to Cleo and Ava while she is turning" he says.

Alec nods. "Wait what is she doing?" He groans and leans over a bit.
Jason gasps.

(I'm describing it now for a bit because it won't make sense.)

Mavis turns into that creature again. She runs towards ava and Cleo.

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