"Cleo!" Alec screams and runs towards her. He hugs her tightly and doesnt let go. Jason just walks behind him and smirks. Cleo quickly lets go of Alec and turns to Jason. "Where were you!?" She asked.

"With alec, why?" He grins. "You two are always together! Alec I miss the time when you didnt hang out with him!!" She whines.

Alec grins. "So you want him to be yours only? You dont want to share with me!?" Jason asks dramatically. Alec grins. "Piss off" she snaps and walks away.

Alec chuckles. "Why does she react so weird" jason asked. "Dont know" alec shrugged. "Its because she's starting to like you, bet?" Jason says smirking. Alec groans.

"Bet on what?" He asked, smirking. "A nice dinner at a restaurant" jason smirks. "Okay" alec says.

"Let's get to class now shall we?" Jason asks after 10 seconds of silence. "Uhm, yeah" alec nods and takes Jason by his arm and runs towards the school.

"I CAN WALK" jason moans. Alec stops abruptly and pushes Jason over. "Walk then" alec says chuckling.

"No, I'm tired" jason says.
Alec grimaces. "Shouldn't have read that book then" He says, grinning.

"son please take me" jason pouts. "Get up then, or I'll leave you here, like an orphan" alec says. Jason quickly gets up.

"I dont like school" Alec groans as they enter the school. "Neither, the air ruins my hair" jason cries. "Stop moaning, or I'll give you a reason to" alec snaps.

Jason smirks. "Oh yeah?"
Alec stops walking. "Not that way, asshole" alec sighs.

"I guess this is our stop" Jason says in horror while looking at the classroom door. Alec grins and pushes open the door.

Once they enter, the whole room gets quiet. Cleo and Mavis are whispering and nodding. Alec raises an eyebrow at cleo. Cleo quickly stops whispering and kicks Mavis. Mavis abruptly stops too.

Jason chuckles awkwardly. "Goodmorning" he says and walks to his seat.
Alec follows him and sits down. The teacher looks at them in shock.

"Where were you two yesterday!?" She asked.
"At my house?" Jason replied and grins.
"That's not true, your mother called and said you didn't come home yesterday." She says.
"We were cleaning under his bed" alec quickly says. Jason chuckles slightly and nods in agreement.

"Hmm.. maybe I should tell your mother to get glasses" the teacher grimaces. Jason grins and looks at Alec. "We weren't gone" he laughs.

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