Alec wakes up with a very heavy pain in his chest. He moans and sits straight up. He looks at jason. Jason groans and wakes up. He gasps and looks at Alec's chest.

"What the fuck!?" He screams and points at Alec's chest. Alec looks down and shrieks.

Alec pulls out the knife and it starts bleeding really hard. "FOR GODS SAKE WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS" he moans. Jason jumps off the couch and runs towards the toilets.

Alec hears gagging and stuff falling into the toilet. He groans and turns his head to Cleo, who's still sleeping. Ava and Mavis are both asleep, too. Alec grabs his phone and checks the time. 06:27. He groans and stands up.

He walks to the bathroom. He grabs the strings of Jason's sweater and puts them on his back. "Otherwise you'd throw up on them" he says groaning.

He pulls off his shirt and studies his chest. "It's not that deep" he says. Jason looks up and stares at alec in disbelief.
"Who would even do that to my dear son!?" He shrieks.

He stands up and flushes the toilet. "Weird how they didn't wake up to our screaming at all" jason says. Alec chuckles.
"I think they are heavy sleepers" he says.

Jason grimaces. "Should I help you clean that up?" He asks, nodding at Alec's chest. "It's weird, I should've died by now" alec says. Allowing Jason to clean his chest.

"Yes, but I wouldn't mind you living a bit longer" jason says. Alec chuckles.

Cleo wakes up. "Where are Jason and alec?" She asks Ava and Mavis. Mavis grimaces and shrugs. Ava shrugs and looks worried.

Alec groans and looks at his chest. "I still look good, though" he says, smirking. "Yeah, yeah" jason says rolling his eyes.

Cleo and Ava enter the Bathroom.
"Oh there you guys ar-" Ava begins. Cleo shrieks and holds onto ava for dear life. "ALEC WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?"

Alec groans and turns around. "Oh hi, I just got stabbed but over all, I'm fine. Should've died by now" he says grinning. Jason chuckles.

Cleo looks worried at him. Ava frowns. "How did you get stabbed, anyway?" Ava asks. Alec shrugs. "Don't know, but I think they must hate me" he answers and grimaces.

Jason leans in and whispers to alec:"Mavis, she was in the back glaring at you the whole time" Alec's eyes widen.
He looks at jason and nods. "That could be it" he whispers.

Ava and Cleo keep staring at them in horror.
"Are you immortal or something, you bastard?" Cleo asks. "Maybe, but your father sure isn't" he answers. Cleo raises an eyebrow.

Jason grins softly and cover his face with his hand. Tears get into his eyes of laughter.
Alec elbows him softly and grins.

Mavis comes in. "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED" she shrieks. Alec glares at her and she goes quiet. Cleo turns around and frowns. She whispers something to Ava and she nods.

Jason puts an arm around Alec's shoulder.
"Sorry for the disturbance, we just need a cool pack for this incident" he says grinning. Alec chuckles.

"Yeah, get a cool pack for me, peasants" alec says chuckling. Jason smirks and gets up. He walks towards the kitchen and gets a med-kit.

He walks back into the bathroom and pulls out bandages. "I will now put this on your titties, and it will hurt" he says, while wrapping it around Alec's chest.

"Let's go to school, shall we?" Alec says.

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