Mavis is whispering to Ava when the two boys and cleo come in. "Hello" jason says uncomfortable. "Alec, you and jason will sleep over there" cleo says and points at a couch with a mattress next to it.

"Super deluxe" alec whispers and jason grins. "Why are they here?" Mavis asks Cleo. "I don't know?" She says. Mavis raises an eyebrow.

"Why'd you let them in then?" Mavis asks. "Stop with the questions, it's a weird time nowadays"
Ava nods. Mavis scoffs, but then nods.

"Let's just talk about the previous events" cleo says. Alec grimaces. "What happened when we 'disappeared'?" Jason asks. "Everyone went searching for you two, everyone was worried sick" cleo says.

"But for us, we saw you the last time and then we checked around the corner and everyone was gone. We then went outside and everyone was standing in one place" alec says. Jason nods.

"We then went to sleep and alec chatted with cleo, while I was asleep and then the next morning my mother woke us up, but alec said it wasn't my mother!" Jason exclaims.

"And then we went to school and we saw a weird creature in the halls, we then hid on the toilet." Alec says.

"Why do you guys always go to the toilets?" Mavis asked.

"Because those doors have locks and when teachers come in, it's gonna be minor assault if they break open the door because its toilets." Jason explains. Alec chuckles.

"Remember when the teacher saw something we didn't?" Ava asks.
Alec nods. "Yeah, but then today we hid on the toilets again, and alec pointed at the bottom of the door and there the creature was again!" Jason exclaims.

Ava gasps. "How!?"
"And we went to my apartment and my mom looked the same as Jason's 'mother'!! And then we decided we could go to yours because you have a dad and-" alec begins.

"HE THREW ME OUT OF THE WINDOW" Jason whines. Alec smirks.
Ava looked at alec in disbelief.

Cleo's mouth was half open and Mavis gasped.
"Uhm anyways" alec says. Jason puts his arm around Alec's shoulder and grins.

Alec chuckles. "I also pushed him out of the window from the toilet" alec says proudly. Jason smirks. "Still a pain in my ass" jason says rubbing over his butt.

Alec giggles. Jason slaps the back of Alec's head. Alec groans and slaps him back. "Kids, stop fighting" Cleo says in a mom voice.

Jason gasps for breath and starts coughing.
Alec snickers and falls onto the floor of laughter.

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