Jason smiles awkwardly while Alec told him what look Cleo gave him, what Ava said and that the three of them (Cleo, Mavis and Ava) like him. "Hold up, none of them like you?" He asks. Alec grimaces. "Nope. Noone." Jason burst out laughing. "I knew I was better looking" he giggles. Alec kicks Jason real hard. Jason groans out in pain and falls to the ground. "Oops" alec grins.
"You'll get that one back" Jason moans. He stands up and throws himself around Alec.

"Dont worry, I think you are good looking" he smirks. Alec grimaces.l
"Thanks" he smirks.
"Now, let's slap some teacher's ass" Jason laughs hysterically.

"You are late, Jason and.... eh?" "Its alec, you dumb fuck" Alec snaps. Jason grimaces and stomps Alec's foot. Pain shoots through his foot. He groans silently and glares at Jason. "that's gonna be a double detention for you two. swearing at a teacher, coming in late, and fighting" "ITS NOT FIGHTING YOU OLD COCKSUCKER" Alec shouts.

Jason grabs Alec by the neck and drags him out of the classroom.
"Toilet?" He sighs. Alec nods. "Toilet"

"I'm actually pretty sure that this is a female toilet" Alec whispers. "Ah shit, I didnt read the sign" Jason groans.
Alec got a message from his phone. "Cleo" he nods at his phone. "App with her, I dont wanna" Alec moans. Jason shrugs and grabs Alec's phone. He holds the phone up to Alec's face and it unlocks.

          Cleo  •Online

          Today 13:27

Where Did
Two go to
                      currently at
                       The female
How did
You end up
                      Hi, yes sorry
                      Alec's key-
                      Board is too
                      Small lol.
Is this not
Alec then?
Who is this?
                        This is jason
Oh, hello
Jason! :)
Eh, why do you
Have Alec's
Phone btw?
                            Felt like it
Oh, okay?
Uhm, again.
Why are you in
The female
                    No, we walk-
                    Ed into the w-
                    Rong one.
But why are
You guys at
the restroom
What are you
Even doing?
                        Eh, skipping
Yeah well, uh
I want to tell
You something
So keep the
Phone for
That now,
                        Okay hoe
Excuse me?
                      OMG IM SO
                      SO SORRY
                      IDK HOW T-
                      HAT GOT T-
                      HERE SOR-
                      RY!! :(!!
It's okay!
Dont worry
                      So.. what you
                      Wanna say?
Oh yeah!
Do you
Like me,
                                No lol.
"Ehm" Alec looks up. "What?" Jason shows him what he just typed. Alec's
Eyes widened. "WHAT"
"I mean, I told the truth" he shrugged. "Well, you did, but 'no lol'?" Alec grimaces. "Sorry son" jason shrugged. "I dont really care to be honest as long as you are happy with what you said" Alec says. Jason grins.

"Its actually kinda cool in here" Jason grins.
"Have you ever been in a cool place before?" "I don't remember." Alec checks his watch. "Its 14:59, we should go to the park or something. We have a break at 15:00 and start again at 15:34"

Jason grins.
"Good idea, but it'll probably be full of girls in here by the time we get up, doing their face with weird stuff" alec nods. "So let's get out of that window over there" he points at the little window above their heads.

Alec opens the window. He sticks his head out the window to look for a place to land on. He gets back inside their little stall. "We need to jump into that pond, theres no other way" jason grimaces "I'd rather go through those girls.
Alec sighs "same."

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