"I can't find the art store" jason moans. "Neither"
"Let's just get on without a notebook and buy it later" alec nods.

"Uh which tree did we agree on?" Jason asks.
Alec points at the tree.
"That one" he says.
Jason grins.

"I think we should make the base out of these sticks" jason says. Alec frowns. "Why?" Jason shrugs. "Because I say so"

"It looks horrible" alec groans. Jason chuckles.
"Have you looked at yourself?" Alec grins. "I look horribly handsome"
Jason raises an eyebrow.

"Dont lie to me" he says.
Alec straightens his back.
"I'd never lie to you"
Jason chuckles. "Neither"
Alec smirks.

"Alright, but let's just make this house" he says.
Jason grins. "If you say so, but we will keep the sticks as base and we'll just build around it!!" He says.

Alec nods. "How high will it be?" Jason shrugs. "Whatever we feel like"
Alec chuckles.

"MAYBE IT IS, MAYBE IT ISN'T" Jason cries.

Alec chuckles and stands next to him. "Yes, it is because of those stupid sticks" jason sighs. Alec grins. Jason puts his arm around Alec's shoulder.

"It looks decent, yeah?" He says. Alec frowns. "It looks worse than I thought it would" jason grimaces.

"Admit it, the sticks were a good idea" jason says smirking. "Over my rich hot dead body, bitch" alec says. "If you really were rich and hot, you'd have a girlfriend at the time" jason says menacingly.

Alec turns his head slowly. "Actually, I have a girlfriend" jason gasps. "What!? Since when!?" Alec grins. "You really thought?" He asks. "Yes" jason moans.

Alec chuckles. "If I had a girlfriend, how would you react to that" jason rolls with his eyes.
"I'd beat her up, nobody gets with my son" jason says dramatically.

Alec grins. Jason chuckles. "But seriously, I would beat her up!" He says. Alec chuckles and Pats Jason's head. "Sure you would"

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