"Almost died of embarrassment by that one" jason groans.
Alec chuckles.

"Atleast I didn't write that you had a problem with your balls, so i had to hold them" he says giggling. Jason sighs.

"Don't worry, i wasn't planning on doing that"
Alec says. "Hey, uh i really want to sit. Can you stand up" he groans.

Jason shakes his head. "My toilet" he snaps and grasps the toilet seat. Alec groans and sits on the floor. Jason chuckles.

"I'd rather sit on the floor anyways" alec snaps. "Oh yeah?" Jason asks grinning. Alec nods.

Jason grins and pulls out his phone. 11:30. "Original timing" he says jokingly. Alec chuckles.

He leans his head against the wall and sighs. "This shit world's gone crazy"
Jason nods.

Alec suddenly gets up. "No joke I felt breathing on my butt!" he exclaims.
Jason snickers. "WHAT THE FUCK" He screams with tears in his eyes of laughter.

Alec glares at him. "I'm serious!" He shouts. Jason frowns. "But that is a wall of bricks, to the outside. It could just be the air from the outside it's kinda windy too"

Alec shrugs. "It was warm" he says and crosses his arms. Jason grimaces. "Fine, but I'm not switching seats with you" he snaps and continues staring at the door.

"You weirdo, why the fuck are you staring at the door" alec asks grinning.

Jason frowns. The door swings open. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU MATHILDAS LONG LOST BROTHER" Alec screams.

Jason shakes his head. "No, I didnt do that" he says and points at a creature behind the door.

Alec shrieks and jumps onto Jason's lap and holds onto him tightly.
Jason grins.

"Window is still above us" jason whispers.
Alec looks up. He nods and face palms.
Alec stands up.
Jason gets up too and cups his hands.

"Stand in them, then" he snaps. Alec grins and puts his foot into his hands. He reaches the window and sits on it for a second.

Alec looks down and turns around and sticks out his hand for jason.
He takes it and pulls himself up.

"I really hate doing that. You know" jason says.
Alec shrugs. "Then stand in my hand next time"
Jason sighs. "If theres a next time." He says. Alec nods. "There will be a first time" he says.

Jason grins and pushes alec out of the window.
Alec moans and flips him off. "SUCKS TO SUCK" Jason screams. Alec smirks and runs away.

"WAIT HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT, NO!" jason screams and jumps off the windowsill.


"AHH SHIT NO STOP RUNNING YOU KNOW I HAVE NO STAMINA" Jason moans. Alec laughs hysterically and continues running.

Jason groans and stops running. He breathes heavily and falls to the ground. "SONNNN ILL GET YOU, STUPID FILTHY DOG" he shrieks.

Alec grins and stops running. He turns around and walks to Jason. He sits down next to him.

"Admit it, son. You don't want me to die" jason groans. Alec chuckles.
"Maybe I do, maybe I do not" he says.

"We should be in the cafeteria at this time now" jason says.
Alec shrugs. "I don't care to be honest" he says and lays down. He closes his eyes.

"Don't you dare fall asleep now" jason says.
Alec groans and opens his eyes. Jason sticks his finger in Alec's ear. He gasps and chokes. Jason grins.

"That's what you get for-" jason says and slowly turns his head up.
"Eh.. Run I think" he whispers and grabs Alec's hand and pulls him as he runs.

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