"I'm so relieved that we're getting to lunch alive" Alec moans. Jason groans while getting up from the toilet seat. "My butthole hurts" he moans. "Shut up, I had to stand" alec snaps. "Let's just get to the cafeteria, I'm fucking starving" Jason whines.

As the two boys are walking through the hallway, they meet a few Girls: Cleo, Ava and Mavis. (Mavis is Cleo's Best friend) "Hello Alec!" Cleo says, happily. Alec blushes and mumbles 'Hi' Cleo looks at Jason and blushes. "Hi, Jason" she giggles. Alec looks up at jason, and raises an eyebrow.

"Ehm, hi?" Jason grimaces. "We were just walking to lunch, but we saw you guys and maybe you wanted to join us?" Mavis asked. "Eh.." jason looks down at Alec. Alec nods. "Ehm, I guess" Jason answers.

Jason glares at Alec while Cleo keeps staring at him, with big love eyes. Alec grimaces. He rolls with his eyes, and stands up, signing to Jason that he needs to come, too.

Jason looked relieved and stands up and walked towards Alec.
"We are getting lunch now, girls. We forgot it at home" Alec says. Jason raises his eyebrow. "Okay, we're not going anywhere" Cleo winks.

Jason cringed. Alec giggles and takes Jason with him.

"I dont have money on me, so I gotta do with that" alec nods to a disgusting looking porridge thing. Jason grimaces. "Cant you just share with me?" He asked, almost begging. "That looks disgusting, share with meeee" he begs. Alec sighs. "Fine, but I'm gonna take the food tommorow" jason grins.

"Alec didnt like any of the food, so we didnt get any" Jason simply says, back at the table. Alec grimaces. Jason pats the spot next to him, as a sign for alec to take place next to him.

Alec sits down. Cleo raises an eyebrow at him. He signs her 'piss off' she grimaces and goes back to staring at Jason, wich Ava did, too.
Alec shoves Jason a little, and nods towards Ava with a smirk. Jason follows Ava's look and sees it's at him.

He begins to Blush heavily. "I need to piss" Jason hurries out of the cafeteria. "He really needed to go" alec grins.
"He didnt need to piss, He was nervous" Cleo said.

"Creep, why are you staring at my man that much?" Alec moans dramatically while grabbing his heart.
Cleo grimaces and looks at him with a 'Dont-you-remember-tha-i-like-him?' Look.

Alec grins. Ava looks up at Alec. "Alec, you are close with Jason, right?"
Alec smirks. "Ofcourse, why?" Ava blushes. 'Oh boy' Alec thought.
"Eh, does anyone at this table like ME?" Alec asks dramatically, his voice cracking at 'me'. No one responded. "Wow, I really am untouchable" Alec smirks.

He pulls out his phone and starts texting Jason.

          Jason   •online
           Today 12:30
                           I got news.
                           Ava likes
                             Is my last
Piss off.

"Stop texting, that's really  rude while eating, you know that?" Cleo moans.
"What would you know about manners?" Alec snaps.
Cleo glares at him. "Boy, you are in trouble. Once you get home. You'll never get out again" she says, sternly.

"OK, mom" Alec rolls his eyes. "Lunch is almost over, where did that fucking moron go? I need to fucking eat" Alec groans.

Jason runs through the cafeteria. "ALEC, MY BABY" he exclaims. Alec smirks and runs towards his best friend. "Why did you take so long?" Alec asks dramatically. "Let's first sit down and then we'll talk, while eating" Jason says, mimicking a heavy British accent. "Ew, go sip some tea" Alec grimaces.

Jason opens his bag and pulls out his lunch.
"So, any change while I was taking the biggest shit in my life?" He asks, still trying to open his lunchbox. Alec grins. "You tell him, Cleo or Ava or maybe Mavis?" The three of them blush.

Jason looks up. And suddenly the realization hit him. "Wait" he exclaims. He slowly turns to Alec and looks down. "Son, did you tell them something embarrassing?" Alec smirks. "No." Jason raises an eyebrow and fixes his tie. "So?" He said.

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