"YOU ARE A BIG PUSSY" alec shouts as jason scratches the back of his head. "A big, fat pussy" alec says again.

Jason rolls with his eyes.
"I'm sorry!" He exclaims.
Alec grins. "You had such a big change with her, why did you say'i dont know'?" He asks in disbelief.

Jason shrugs and buries his head between his knees. "I know" he groans. Alec chuckles. "Don't worry though, she's gonna die before we do" he says. Jason scoffs. "That's better?'' He asks. Alec nods.

"Much better, even" he says and gets up. Jason frowns. "I have no idea" alec says and sits back down. "I never thought we would run out of ideas" jason says.

Alec scoffs. "Yeah, neither" he says and leans his head against the wall. Jason sighs and stands up. "I need to piss" he says. Alec grins and gets up.

Jason does his business.
Alec hums and plays with his (own) fingers.
Jason finishes and just sits on the toilet seat. "I am tired" he moans.

Alec laughs. "Are you tired from pissing?" He asks. Jason gasps in disbelief. "Ofcourse not! We were running for 10 minutes straight just a few minutes ago!" He exclaims.

Alec shrugs. "Whatever you want I guess" he says and leans against the wall. "I actually want to tell you that I cringe everytime you say something" Jason says, suddenly.

Alec frowns. "Who do you think you are?" He asks. Jason nods heavily. "Just you existing cringes me out, like, I don't know" he sighs.

Alec glares at him.
Jason waves it away and leans back. "I am so fucking comfortable" he moans. "That's great, but I need comfort too" alec says and pushes him off the toilet.

"You didn't even wash your hands after touching your own dick, that's fucking disgusting, and second, I don't think you are allowed to cringe while I'm just existing" he states and wraps his hands around his knee.

Jason sighs and sits on the floor. "I think I just lost faith in having friends" he mumbles and puts his head between his knees.

Alec chuckles and leans back. "This is nice" he moans and closes his eyes. Jason sighs again and looks up.

"Real nice" he whispers.
Alec grins and yawns.
A liquid falls on his tongue. He shrieks and spits on the floor. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" he yells.

Jason shrugs and looks up again. He raises an eyebrow. "I don't think that that is a human, nor a creature" he says and points at the ceiling.

Alec looks up, too and gasps. "You are absolutely right" he says and slams his hand over his mouth dramatically.
Jason chuckles.

Alec stands up quickly and pulls jason up too.
"I swear I cant have a nice day without these things happening" he moans and leans onto Alec's shoulder.

Alec grins and opens the window. "That's refreshing" he says and steps onto the windowsill. "Let's just jump" jason whines.

Alec laughs. "I dont really feel like jumping at the moment so-" he begins and jason pushes him out of the window.

Alec shrinks and lands on the grass. He rubs his back and looks up. "YOU DARE THROW ME OFF THE THIRD FLOOR?" he shrieks.

Jason nods and smiles.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH COME DOWN" Alec screams and jumps up and down.

Jason grins. Alec looks at him menacingly and he jumps down.

As he hits the floor he moans. "I think I felt something break" he groans. Alec grimaces and slaps him.

He cries dramatically.
"First of all, how dare you? Second, there's dirt in your hair" he says.
Alec gasps and quickly runs his hand through his hair.

"Theres no dirt" he snaps. Jason chuckles and grabs Alec's leg to stand up. He sighs and leans against the wall.

"It's actually weird what this world has become, I've never had to jump out of windows before" he says. Alec smiles.

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